It's been a long!

In a thinly lighted room sat a certain short pink-haired girl with a scary expression adorning her pretty face. Her eyes were devoid of any emotion like a broken doll as she stared at the screwdriver in her hand.

The blood dripping from the metal end of the driver signified what act that tool have actually done on command of the girl who was sitting lifelessly while smiling in a way which could terrify anyone upon a single glance.

"Okay then~ Back to the work ." She rose from her seat while thinking of the next place she would be visiting.

Brushing off the little blood droplets from her polka dot skirt she took the gasoline container which was kept in a corner of the room before she started walking toward the mountain of corpses inside the room which practically was now a graveyard.

But suddenly the container from her hand dropped to the ground as she felt a presence near her. In normal cases, she would have just thrust her weapon in the direction she found the presence for.

But upon sensing a familiar manly scent that she never could forget even in a half-dead state, she started wiping her face vigorously in a fluster.

Her deadly eyes which were lifeless a second ago were now round in excitement and elation as if a lost sailor finally found their shore.

Combing her hair hurriedly she heard a very light footstep approaching her from the back as she finally got into a less shameless state.

"You know I still hadn't met anyone who has traced my teleportation this precisely. Well, until now that was." Hearing his cold yet gentle tone and feeling the praises from such words she felt her heavy heart easing a bit.

Involuntarily a tear formed in her left eye as she met this person after so long, which also caused her not to face him so he doesn't see her disgusting face filled with blood and now tears too.

"I-I am honored ." Choking a little on her breath, she replied while trying to sound as normal as she could.

But in the end, she failed.

"We met after this long and yet you are crying." Subaru wrapped his left hand around Yuno's bust making her body lean on his front.

Tears continued to flow down her pretty eyes as she closed her lids and let herself get swayed by the man she loves. She also held the thick hand which was covering her upper body, in resignation to let go.

Subaru after seeing such a fragile expression, surely melt down before he focused on the gruesome surrounding.

There were hundreds of dead bodies of men and monsters piled up at a place in a state that could bring nausea to even high-rank hunters.

But when the person was the one who taught such a technique to the preparator, there was no way he would feel disgusted about it.

"Let's change place." Saying so, he activated the magic circle which only took 10m/s to form, and also he dropped a purple tennis ball-sized orb inside the room which worked as a detonation to obliterate the whole parameter into nothingness.


The place where the two figures emerged again was the house Subaru owned in Japan. Unlike his previous apartment which was in Tokyo, this two-storey private villa was far away from the main town.

Of course, since it belonged to humanity's greatest mage there were several barriers and safety measures assembled in case something happens in his absence.

The next time Yuno opened her eyes, she was greeted with a cozy bedroom that was thinly lighted by the illumination coming from outside of the window. The room had a fluorescent smell with maroon curtains balancing the overall atmosphere.

Weirdly she checked the room in satisfaction first before she became conscious of her own position. And when she did, her face became a little red.

Unlike before she was currently sitting on Subaru's lap with her both legs draped on the bed. Her both hands were hugging Subaru's shoulder as he also leaned back and leisurely rested his legs on the ground.

Being in such a situation Yuno wasn't able to think anything else other than embracing him to hide herself right at the moment.

Getting surrounded by his intoxicating natural body odor her face took even more amber shade as she completely indulged inside of him.

Subaru's oblivion of her state of mind asked something nonchalantly.

"So how have you been recently? Sorry I wasn't able to meet you" There was clear regret in his eyes as he confessed his apology to the person whome he despite regarding important to him, seldom came to meet.

Yuno upon hearing him, smiled brightly with her face still pressed to his chest but before she lifted her head and matched his gaze, she erased her smile and wore a pained look.

"You know a girl becomes very vulnerable just after she loses her virginity but still you disappeared right after that night." Pouting Yuno clutched Subaru's shirt to show her grief.

Subaru smiled helplessly as at that instance a flash of thought of that passed by his memory lame when he did something on impulse.

The day when Sasha came to know about Mira and the day when his family was about to kill each other, he came to meet Yuno just after resolving the whole matter.

He knew who would have such a connection to spy on him and let Sasha know about Mira's existence so after making things calm, he came to meet Yuno with agitation shrouding his demeanor.

But the weak heart he carries for women was swept in the pace and instead of punishing her in some brutal way, he started showering her with another kind of punishment.

Their body was so compatible that despite being the first time for Yuno she was able to keep Subaru going until dawn. Subaru was surprised to see that he didn't have to use healing on her even though he went and delivered his seed more than eight times during the whole night.

It was an impulsive decision to sleep with Yuno and practically try to impregnate her, but he didn't regret it. He was impulsive but didn't lose his reasoning capability. He was very well aware of what consequences of his action could arise but somehow his mind felt nothing strange to take on such consequence when the sin was in the face of such an adorable girl.

Her screaming and moaning face which was covered with her drool and his saliva was still vivid in his memory. The way she kept on repeating his name and clinging to him from outside and inside of her body too made him go wild despite knowing that it was her first time.

"Subaru ... you're hard..." Suddenly being pulled out of his stupor Subaru glanced down and found the previously pouting girl, smirking at him teasingly.

"D-do you want to d-do it...?" Even sounding bold and such, Yuno was shaking a little as she remembered the night when she first time lost all her senses and drowned in that heavy pleasure. She wasn't scared of having sex with him again, rather she was worried about what would happen if she become addicted to such adult pleasure~

The offer was enticing yet Subaru shook his head in denial. The reason was Yuno's current condition. From what he sensed her mana was relatively very low as compared to her peak state. Or to be precise she was barely holding on to the last 10% of her whole mana reserve right now. Not to talk about her weak physical condition as well.

Sighing he laid down on the bed while patting the perplexed Yuno.

"What are you doing recently that you have pushed yourself to such an extent? Even if you don't trust me at least let me help you once in a while." There wasn't any doubt that Yuno was one of the strongest hunters he have came across to the point where he even dared to think whether she could surpass Sasha in a near future. It wasn't her natural talent but the battles she takes on.

Even Subaru hadn't come across these many enemies that he believe Yuno has slain over time.

Upon hearing the term 'Even you don't believe me', Yuno jerked a little but didn't rebuke him as it was partially true. Not in the sense of general trust but the trust of her life dependency. She knew in a state of crisis who would Subaru choose which made her utter furious but there was nothing she could do about it for the time being...

"Dungeon creatures are strangely getting familiar with humans these days. Since there is a huge family I have to protect I have to clear the surrounding. Anyway, I think I can handle that much so you don't have to worry."

Smiling profoundly Yuno assured him only to get flatly rejected.

"I will leave some of my shadows for you. They are above S rank so use them as much as you want. And don't dare to push yourself again ." Pinching her fluffy cheek Subaru warned lightly on which she nodded with an even more beautified smile.

Being lying in such an intimate manner while enjoying the warmth of the person she holds dearest to her heart, Yuno was happy beyond words. She wanted to treasure these moments, hold onto him tightly and never let go...


"E-Rank? Are you sure you would be able to hold your standing? Even if it's a D rank gate I don't think you would be able to fight those creatures inside" Standing in front of a group of people who by extravagant appearance looked professional hunters, stood a boy in his late teens.

His grey eyes were filled with determination toward the gate he finally got after so many attempts. His raven hair fluttered freely in the air as he stood upright before replying to the assigned raid captain.

"Despite how I look Captain, I promise I won't hold you guys back. So please let me in." His serious remark blended with his sheer resolve shone through his still immature face.

The raid captain concluded that the fragile boy wasn't going to back away this easily so with a sigh he again took the palm top and scrolled for the information for this certain new add-on.

"Okay then, sign here so you don't blame us afterward." The boy signed on the digital pad before a pat came on his shoulder from the raid Captain who unlike before had a more gentle smile.

"Even if it's for a short period let's get along, Hunter Sung Jin-Woo."


A/N:- I will update the next chapter before you can expect it.

Sorry for skipping Yuno's night. I will write Chisato's lemons properly so don't go on cursing me.

Drop a comment to let me know that there are ppl who still read this~