C1: Huh, what..?

It just happened, no warning, no world shatering event's and no reason that explains how I got myself into this situation. Heck! I didnt even meet any god, diety or any other powerful otherwordly being that can answer my questions or explain how I got here.

I was suppose to wake up in my old bed in the orphanage. Clean myself up, get dressed in my school uniform and help the kids from my generation to do the same to the younger kids then go to school. Hands are short here in the orphange so us older kids help to look after the younger ones. Everyone has detailed chores and responsibilities that they have to follow, the director of the orphange is strict like that.

It was my turn pick up the younger kids from middle school near my building, the school we go to has both sections of middle and high school section so its convinient.

So I picked the kids up after the end of class and head home to the orphanage, do my chores, look after the kids and help them in there homework if there's any, help prepare dinner, eat, clean-up and prepare the kids to bed, do my own homework if theres any or hangout with my generation before cleaning-up and going to bed.

I should have woken up to do the same thing over again but no. The next time I opened my eyes I was in lying in a futon and what looks like a japanese room, sparsely decorated but still has the essentials like a desk, wardrobe and a full sized mirror.

I sat up and looked ahead in confusion, looking left and right to give any hints and clues to explain how I got here but, I got nothing. With no visable clues, I got up and went to the mirror expecting to see a tall and slim young man with light brown hair and black eyes but instead a child with messy black hair and black eyes.

I looked at myself in a daze, I should be panicking like any other person when they find themeselves in my situation, but I just stared in the mirror not doing anything, my brain at this point is just blank.

Before finaly freaking out and scream profanities, I got hit with a massive headache. No sound came out my mouth as I screamed at the top of my childish lungs as flashes of images, videos and voices were played in my head. It happened in an instant but to me it felt like hour's. I stumbled to my bed, to rest my aching head and figure out my situation. I just laid there staring at the ceiling, finaly after a few minutes the words that came out of my mouth were.

"Huh, what? "

Very intelligent I know but what else am I suppose to say, after all, according to the memories freaking transmigrated to the body of a young Todoroki Touya!

What, how and why am I in this situation! Explanation please! Seriously, nothing at all!? I just woke up in the body of this brat! I dont know how long I spent my time freaking out but I forcfully calmed myself down, afterall, whats done is done.

I taught to myself on where and who I am right now, in an anime world and in the body of some child. I wasnt such a big fan of anime or other otaku culture, I just figured it out because of how it was a hot topic among my classmates one time. I also got dragged to watch a few episodes by my roomate who is into this stuff. I was busy with the kids, my responsibilities, and figuring out my future so I realy didnt have any spare time and brain cells on hobbies and other stuff.

From the memories of Touya, I am currently four years old. My father, Todoroki Enji, a tall and muscular man with burning red hair and small mustache is quit the popular hero, he goes by the hero name Endeavour. His quirk lets him produce fire with varying degress according to his control.

My mother, Todoroki Rei is a beautiful young woman with silver hair and brown eyes. She has quirk around ice or snow, Im not sure because she doesn't really talk or show it that much. Finaly, my 2 year old little sister Fuyumi, an adorable and sweet little creature with an infectious laugh.

Its slowly dawning in me that I am in a fictional world, a fictional world with powers called quirks no less. I dont know how I found myself in this mess and Im prety sure at this point that I wont be able to go back. My otaku roomate told me that, in his wide consumtion of novels and fanfics, most transmigrated individuals dont go back to there world. The hell! seriously, how did i find myself in this mess.

The last time I remember was after finishing my homework and having a quick shower, my roomate bombarded me with what hot manga and manhwa that are popular this season and the exciting battles and tear jerking plot his favorite animes updated. We hanged out for a while before going to bed. Thats it! there were no clues or indications that will give me ideas to my state right now. I wasn't sick or anything for me to suddenly die either.

And then something dawned on me, I dont remember my name or any name of the people from my previous life. I still remember textbook knowledge from school and the different kinds of media, culture, entertainment and places but the name. My name, the name of my roomate, the director's, the kids, basically every name that is suppose to be ingrained in my head, is gone.

I was so deep in thought that I didnt notice my mom enter my room and spoke to me. I stared at her in daze while she looked at me with worry.

"Touya, is everything alright sweety? I called you several times but you didn't answer me."

And for the second time today, I said the first words that came out if my mouth.

"Huh, what?"