C6: Plans for the Future

Its been a few days since the talk with Enji. I just put all of it in the back of my mind because figuring out whatever that was is useless especially when I dont have a whole picture on what is going on.

Since then I haven't done anything serious regarding my quirk. I was all hyped up and played with it this couple of days. I know theres a law regarding using quirks in public without a licence but its allowed in privately owned lands so yeah, no consequences there.

My quirk is an emmiter type so it all comes down to my own visualisation and imagination on what I want to make. Someone like me who comes from a world where I can take inspiration from different movies, animes, games and manga is a great boone. The world here is severly lacking in any of them and most of it are hero themed so it becomes generic most of the time.

Sadly I didn't pay attention or spent allot of time on those but thanks to a couple of friends from school and my roommate, I think I have enough ideas and coupled with my own to give me an edge and boost for the future. I cant express my gratitude enough to those people, especially my roommate. All those late nights being forced to watch different sorts of media and spent listening to his drabble was all worth it. God bless your soul wherever you are.

I'm saying all of this is ofcourse, for my plans to become a Hero!

I mean who wouldn't!? well maybe some wont considering its a dangerous occupation and getting a licence is pretty hard considering how competitive it is, but still! I am in a world where powers are real. Who wouldn't want to be a hero!?

Now that I am here, other jobs dont appeal to me as much as they would. I have always been the adventurous type and spent most of my free time on the move. Taking long walks in the park and doing activities that requires me to move my body often. I would have joined a sportsclub in school but I dont have time for those considering my responsibilities to the kids. Thankfully there is a dojo for Judo near the orphanage where I can go to on weekends. The mastwe there was kind enough to let me join in the exercise and practice without being a full time member.

I didn't physically train to hard since I'm still a kid but I train my quirk often.

I say train but its just me creating different things in different sizes. Its important to familiarise myself with my quirk so that I can create things faster, make them stronger and to the point that I could do it in a heartbeat. My quirk is versatile that way and I can already do downgraded moves from different shows and media from my previous world. I cant wait to get stronger and go full throttle.

All my time practicing obviously didn't go unnoticed, Fuyumi was ecstatic but I think she's just happy to see me make different things and different stuff with my quirk. My mom on the otherhand had a difficult expression.

I didn't ask her whats the problem outright though because I know she wouldn't answer me. So instead, I balled my fist and looked at her with teary eyed expression. I know I know that its pretty manipulative but I want to nip this problem of the bud. I dont want to stress my mom out so if acting like a typical kid would do, I would do it over again. From what I observed so far, Enji has only been supporting us financially and I dont see him teaming up with mom to help raise us both physically and emotionally. So I will do my best to lessen mom's workload on us.

Innocence of a child for the win

So after she tucked Fuyumi in for the night, I went to talk to her.

"Mom, you dont want to be a hero?"

( I'm acting like a sad child at this point)

"Oh sweety, why would you think that?"

"Because you look sad when I said I want to be a hero."

"Then why do you want to be a hero Touya?"

Oh, mom usually calls me and Fuyumi sweety or sweetheart so when she directly says your name, it means she's serious. Looks like hero's or heroics in general is a sour spot for her.

"Because I want to be strong to protect you and Fuyumi! I want to stop bad guys from hurting other people and make there family sad!"

( i answered childishly)

I looked up from the ground and stared at my mothers eyes with much zeal and determination I could muster from this childish facade of mine.

And I wasn't lying when I said that. I've finally gotten the family I always wanted so you'd be damn sure I will do my best to protect them.

I am also serious in protecting other people. Growing up in an orphange, you would think that I would get fed up with children especially if they are all different in there on way but no, I actually have a soft spot for them.

I have watched different kids come in through those doors with different expressions. Lost, lonely, alone, depressed, misguided, mistreated and sometimes broken to the point that its almost impossible to fix or heal them. I sympathise with them because I was once like them. I am who I am now because of the tender care and patience of my dorm mother as well as my older brother and sisters who took care of me.

I dont ever want to see such depressing expretions from children and adults like that ever again.

So I want to be a hero! I want to protect the smiles and happiness of my family and the people. I want to safeguard their peace, for them to live their lives safely and happily. Ofcourse I cant always be their and protect them from any harm or grief but you'll be damn sure I'll do my best.

And for me to that, I have to become stronger, I have to become a hero. In a society where powers exists, danger can come from anyone and anywere. I cant just go gung-ho and freeze everything and everyone, Il just get arrested for using my quirk unauthorised. Being a hero is the only way to go.

Seeing my expression and hearing my answers, mom let a sigh of relief. She gave me a hug and pat my head.

"Oh sweety, thats very kind of you. I'm happy to know that you have such an amazing goal. Mom's just worried because being a hero is a dangerous job and you would make mommy and Fuyumi sad if something where to happen to you."

I gave mom a tight hug back and looked at her. Happy that she's approved of me becoming a hero and happy that she would worry for me.

"Dont worry mom. I will train really hard and become super strong so bad guys cant hurt me or our family. I will stop the bad guys before they hurt other people too!"

I answered with much zeal and determination once again. Seeing mother's proud smile from my words, cant help but further strengthen my resolve.

I will do it! I will become a HERO!