Chapter 16

After some speculation, Kakashi also believed that the uncle he called should be [Jiraiya].

"toki, to tell you, I know the uncle in your mouth."

"Well, you give me the book, and I will help you return the property to the original owner."

"Really?" toki pretended to question.

"That's natural!"

"As Konoha Shinob, how can I deceive you a kid, and that is just a book, I have no reason to deceive you."

Kakashi said righteously, but seeing toki still have a trace of doubt on his face, he also added one sentence.

"If you don't believe me, I can take you to see him in a few days."

"If that's the case."

When the voice fell, toki also handed the book in his hand to Kakashi, and Kakashi was indeed an elite of Shangnin, who was still wary of toki at this time.

Obviously it was because he was too smart and had to let him keep an eye on him. If the ship was really overturned in the gutter, it would be a shame.

Kakashi took the book in toki hand and said with a smile.

"Raise your hand."

Immediately afterwards, toki walked directly to Naruto and rescued him from the illusion.

Naruto was detached from the illusion, and the whole person looked sluggish.

"Uh… toki, what's wrong with me?"

"You have been genjutsu ."

he replied with Naruto, and then said: "Okay, you have a good rest first, I will get Sasuke out and talk to you in detail."

Seeing him walking towards Sasuke, a dozen meters away from him, Kakashi relaxed his vigilance.

Because of this, his gaze finally fell on the "Golden Lotus Biography of Love in Heaven" in his hands, and his heart was full of expectations.

But the moment he opened the book, a leaf fell out of it.

Since toki was watching under the shade of the tree before, Kakashi didn't care for a while, but when the leaf fell on his waist, it suddenly changed into a figure.

This scene immediately made Kakashi shocked!

Because this figure is not someone else, it is toki!

When he realized that it was too late, because the bell on his waist had been pulled by toki in his hand.


As soon as he stepped on his feet, accompanied by the sound of a "jingle", toki stood firmly in front of Kakashi, and smiled at the latter.

" Kakashi sensei let's accept it!"

It wasn't until his voice fell that Kakashi recovered from the confusion, and at the same time Kakashi also understood that all of this was his game.

Kakashi sighed helplessly, then praised it sincerely.


toki, you are the first student to grab a bell from my hand! "

Naruto who recovered, and Sasuke who had just been dug out from the soil by Toki's clone.

After seeing this scene, the two of them also looked surprised!

They never thought that toki would grab the bell by himself, and it was completely effortless.

IQ completely crushes them!

While Sasuke was surprised, he was also jealous, because he had always been pretentious, but now he lost to toki.

Although he didn't lose in a head-to-head confrontation, there was always a trace of unwillingness in his heart.

However, what he is most worried about now is the promotion quota!

Because there are only two bells, now both bells are in toki hands, and toki and Naruto are buddies.

From Sasuke's point of view, Tokiwa will give Naruto one!

If that's the case, then he will be eliminated and returned to the ninja school to be trained again.

At this point, Sasuke is full of unwillingness!

At this moment, Kakashi also raised this question: "toki, now that you have two bells in your hand, it means that you have been promoted."

"Of course, I said that a bell can make a person advance."

"So, you have the right to let any one of them advance with you." Kakashi in the speech pointed at Naruto and Sasuke.

Don't think about it, this is Kakashi's final assessment!

No matter who toki chooses to advance with him, or even who does not choose, he will not be able to pass Kakashi's assessment.

"toki, tell me your choice!"

Upon hearing Kakashi's words, Naruto and Sasuke's eyes also fell on Toki, waiting for the latter's answer.

Naruto believes that toki will definitely choose himself, and Sasuke believes that toki will definitely abandon him.

However, toki final answer was beyond everyone's surprise.

"Elementary school students make choices!"

"Now I have graduated, so either all three of us will be promoted, or none of us will be promoted!"

Kakashi was stunned for a long time before asking: "Why?"

"It's very simple, because we are now a team!"

"As a team, the most important thing is to advance and retreat together!"

"Moreover, if you didn't consume your chakra without Naruto and Sasuke, you wouldn't be so lighthearted if they weren't trapped, and I wouldn't be able to do it easily."

"So, the two of them are also indirectly involved in it!"

toki words made Kakashi completely stunned.

How could he not think that such a deep meaning would be uttered from a 12-year-old boy?