Chapter 61

Looking at the "Otonin Trio" in front of me

he originally wanted to solve it himself.

But when he thought of two of them he had already defeated, he now only needs to defeat the last one to complete the task.

Task progress: Defeat the "Otonin Trio"

[Dosu] Defeated [kin] Defeated [Abumi ] Not Defeated Therefore, he wants to take this opportunity to hone Sasuke and Naruto, so that they can grow in evenly matched battles.

At this point, toki also said.

"Sasuke, Naruto, the two men will be handed over to you."

"Uh, what about that woman"

Naruto asked.

"I'll fix it!"

"You are so strong, and everyone is the same. Why don't we change?"

Naruto wanted to deal with women who should be easier, but he was directly hit by toki.

"Naruto, I ask you, do you still want to become stronger"

"Naturally want!"

"Then do you still want to defeat Sasuke!"

"Of course!"

"If you want to, then you should challenge someone who is stronger!"

"Uh, I get it!"

Naruto nodded heavily.

It turned out that toki was not relaxed and greedy for beauty, but to temper himself and make himself stronger.

For this reason, he admired toki more and more! Undoubtedly, toki chicken soup was very successful! At this time, Sasuke was still immersed in doubts. He did not think of this "Otonin trio"

It turned out to be to kill himself.

"Sasuke, if you want to know the answer, defeat him!"

"it good!"

After Sasuke agreed, Dosu also sneered.

"Little devil, you really think that we won't be able to eat it."

"What do you say!"

When the voice fell, toki stretched his palm forward, and suddenly, a strange Chakra gathered in toki palm.

Immediately after.

Dosu was directly lifted by Toki and lost control of his body.

This [Magnetic Release Latte] technique, as long as you have ironwork on your body, you can't get rid of Toki's control.

Unless you can discover the two weaknesses of this secret technique.

Otherwise, he can only become Toki plaything! And Toki has enough Chakra as a backing, so he can play whatever he wants.

The current situation made Detos and the three of them stunned for an instant.

How similar this scene is, especially Dosu and Abumi , the two of them have personally experienced it.

Originally, they all thought it was a good thing [ Ibiki] did. Who would have thought that the person who shot yesterday would be Toki.

This ordinary kid in their eyes! After recovering, a difficult voice came from Dosu ' mouth.

"You did it yesterday!"

"Not too dumb!"

There are iron pieces on the trio 3's wristbands, and they cannot perform ninjutsu with their hands controlled, and with their physical skills, they can't forcibly break away from Tokiba's restraints.

After trying to no avail, the leader panicked.

"What do you want"

"I know that you are instructed by others, so I decided to give you a chance, a chance to survive."

"what chance"

Abumi said.

"Just fight with them !"

"If you can defeat them, I will let you go. If you lose, then you can only accept your fate."


Dosu gritted his teeth.

"Naturally, I have always said something!"

A touch of evil appeared on Toki face between the words, and he continued: "However, since it is a game, there are naturally corresponding rules."

"The rule is that the two of them, they can kill you, but you can't. If I find that you violate the rules, then this game will end."

"By then, the only way to greet you is [Death]!"

Hearing toki words, the grumpy Abumi spoke out angrily.

"It's not fair"

"Why can they kill us, and we can't kill them!"

"Don't tell me anything fair, I have the final say in this game."

"Either fight or die!"

Under the deterrence of Tokiwa's domineering and unparalleled, Dosu and Abumi could only choose to compromise.

The strong make the rules, and the weak can only accept the rules!

toki put Dosu and Abumi down, and then said: "I have left the mark of Chakra on you, so you still give up the stupid idea of ​​running away."

"Chakra Mark"

Hearing the two of them, Toki also said, "If not, how could I find you in such a short period of time."

Toki words undoubtedly cut off the last thoughts of the two of them! To escape, that would not work! Toki, is this rule a bit unfair?"

Hearing Naruto's words, Toki had a direct meal: education.

"They can come to kill us, and they will naturally kill others in the future."

"If you don't want this kind of person to kill more innocent people, then beat him to death until he is dead!"

Hearing what Toki said, Naruto felt much better in an instant.


Nodded heavily, and then he and Sasuke also strode forward, preparing to face Dosu and abumi.

Although Dosu and kin were aggrieved in their hearts, they can only bite the bullet now.

No surprise! The battle of Four Players soon started, and Toki who was watching the battle could only play with the [Kin ] under his control.

At this moment, the latter's eyes were full of fear, daring to be angry but not daring to speak! At this moment, she only hopes "Dosu"

And "Abumi "

Able to win this game.

Otherwise, all three of them have to explain here today! However, they don't know it.

Even if Toki doesn't kill them today, they will still die.The three of them are just dolls in the hands of Orochimaru .

Once it's worthless, there is no need to keep it! In the animation, Dosu received an order to test Gaara and was killed. Abumi and [kin] were used as sacrifices for [Impure world Reincarnation ] by Orochimaru . Product and violent death.

Toki knew that this [kin ] was the last goal of the system mission.

"[kin ] Right?"

"Uh huh."

Hearing this, she was stunned for a moment.She didn't have time to think about how Toki knew her name, and nodded quickly, for fear of angering Toki.

"Do you want to fight with me?"

"I don't want to! I give up!"

[kin ] said very simply, but also because this sentence saved her from the punishment of "ravaging"

Because after her voice fell, the voice of the system appeared.

"Ding, the task of defeating [The Sound Shinobi Trio] is complete!"

Hearing this systematic reminder, Toki was also stunned, he didn't expect this to work.

Of course, it is also possible that the life and death of [kin ] is now in Toki's hands.

Therefore, the system judged that she was defeated! And shortly after Toki played with [kin ], the battle between Naruto and Sasuke was also coming to an end.

In the beginning, dosu and Abumi relied on "sonic attacks"

Has the upper hand, because this attack can paralyze the opponent's auditory nerve.

But the two eventually lost! Dosu was caught by Sasuke, who had opened the [Sharingan Eyes], and he was directly taken away by his new move [Lion Barrage ].

And Naruto also used the gourd to draw a scoop, using the shadow clone to create [Naruto Barrage ] to complete the final anti-kill.

When Sasuke saw this scene, he was obviously spit out! At the moment when Dosu and Abumi were defeated, Toki also showed a gratified smile on his face, and the two finally did not disappoint him.

But [kin ] was ashamed! Because the death of her teammate confirmed her fate! Without all the pity and sympathy, Toki sent her directly to see them.

The moment the three of them were sent to assassinate Sasuke, it was already doomed.

If Toki does not kill, they will also become victims of Orochimaru !