Chapter 5 – Visit to the Adventurer’s Guild The Awakening

'Sweet, I received a small pouch filled with gold coins. I don't know how much this is worth, but if it's actually gold then it must be really valuable.' He placed a dozen gold coins into the pocket inside his cloak, and then placed the pouch into a slim bag which he had wrapped around his body.

Kibo had considered himself lucky that the route to the Adventurer's guild was pretty simple to follow, due to it being on the main road. When he arrived he noticed it was a large, wide building, covered with stainless glass windows, and the building itself was made out of stone. The wooden doors didn't look like any ordinary wood, and he was sure it was the expensive kind.

He pushed open the wooden doors and stepped through, the first thing he noticed was the wooden interior, it was completely made out of wood, the expensive kind like ebony. The second thing he noticed was, ten meters in front of him laid the reception desk. The desk was five meters wide and three young women were working behind it with smiles on their faces.

Towards the left of the reception was a huge job board, and a group of adventurers who were browsing through the job requests. Behind it was an open area, to make room for all the adventurers who would look for something to do during the peak hours. On the right side of the reception desk was a large row of tables and benches, a place to dine and gather with your team members. He saw that it was fairly packed which was to be expected of the capital city's Guild building.

He slowly walked towards the reception and noticed two of the three ladies were already preoccupied with work, and only one was looking towards him with a slight smile. He decided to head towards her since she was the only one available. On his way there, he heard some people muttering while they looked towards him.

"Who is that scrawny little kid?"

"I've never seen him before."

"He is covered with a robe with a hood, he looks suspicious."

"If he is here to start some trouble we will give him hell."

"Geez!" Kibo thought, 'I didn't think my cloak would attract this much attention, but I need to wear it for my protection because I don't want too many people remembering what I look like.' As he reached the desk, he noticed the young lady more clearly. She was wearing the guild's uniform, her hair was tied up into a ponytail and coupled with the glasses, it really gave her a cute-nerdy type of look.

"Hi, I would like to become an Adventurer."

The reception lady became nervous and touched the back of her head as she put on a half a smile.

She thought to herself, 'Who is this person? I have never seen him before, and his cloak looks dirty. Not only that he is still wearing his hood indoors, he seems to be a suspicious person. Luckily this is the adventurer's guild filled with strong people if he tries something they will come to my help.'

She looked behind Kibo and noticed a group of adventurers, and they nod to show they understand the situation, this led her to sighing in relief.

She continued to think, 'I don't really want to make him an adventurer so I'll try to overcharge him for the registration fee.'

"Hi, to become an adventurer you need 100 silver to register."

'Oh shit, 100 silver? I don't believe I even have 50 gold, nevermind 100 silver! I have no clue what the conversion rates of this world are. If it's 2 silver just for 1 gold coin, I might just barely afford it. Dammit, I'll just grab all the gold coins from my pocket, and place it on the desk, hopefully, she explains how much more I need.'

The reception lady looked on and thought, 'He seems to be flustered, the moment I said 100 silver? Does he know what the actual registration fee is? No that's impossible, I haven't seen him here before and based on his clothes he doesn't seem to be from the capital either.'

Kibo placed down 12 gold coins onto the desk.

The reception lady became shocked at how many gold coins had been placed before her, and the others who were preoccupied with work also got distracted.

She couldn't believe that he would have held so much money on himself because she thought he came from a village. She had only asked for 100 silver which is only one gold coin, but he placed down 12x the amount! 'What is he trying to prove? Did he catch on and realise I was assuming he was poor, and put more down more than he should have?' she thought with a panicked look.

She took a deep breath in and slowly released, It had finally started to calm her down.

The reception lady proceeded to place her finger on one gold coin and drag it towards herself.

"Thank you, Sir"

Kibo became flustered and thought, 'Wait, what? She only took one gold coin? I thought her shocked expression was her thinking how broke I was? But she only took one gold coin? Does that mean 100 silver coins equal to 1 gold coin? Fuck! I put down way too much.' He looked towards the other ladies and they were also staring at him along with people in line behind him.

He started to abruptly grab the coins back and place them into his pocket as he looked to his left and right.

'Damn, if any of them come after me I will have to deal with the extra hassle caused by my carelessness.'

"Sir, part of the registration process requires you to reveal your face. If you would lower your hood we would appreciate it please."

'What the hell is up with these regulations? It's like this is an actual world and not a fantasy one. He sighed, I need to stop comparing this world to a game. It's real and each person here has memories of their lives and got their own goals and dreams they wish to achieve. That also means any potential enemy I make here could go out of their way to make well thought out plans to get rid of me. I need to consider this as another Earth which is just as dangerous.'

He hesitantly lowered his hood revealing his face.

The three reception ladies who had just recovered their composure from seeing so many gold coins being placed before them by who they considered a villager, had their composure lost once again. Their jaws were left wide open and their cheeks turned bright red.

"Omg", the lady said nervously as she took a few steps back.

"You bastard, what did you do to her!"

An adventurer who was sitting down and watching the situation from afar noticed the lady's shocked expression and how she moved back and turned red. Thinking the suspicious man did something he got up from his seat.

He was wearing full plated, medieval armour with his helmet still placed on the table. He walked towards them, the metal rattled at the joints, each step sounded heavy and soon a large intimidating presence arrived behind Kibo, he pulled Kibo's arm towards him.

Kibo looked towards him with his eyes wide open, the man noticed the pearl white hair covering the sides of his head and eyes slightly. Along with the large sapphire blue eyes which were exaggerated from the panicked look, they quickly became narrow as an angry expression took over his face. His sharp jawline gave him a facial structure of a very handsome person, which was complemented by the narrow nose, and the clear, pale white skin giving him a youthful yet innocent appearance.

The man panicked a little and released his grip on Kibo's arm after seeing such a handsome person standing before him. He quickly realised the ladies held a similar expression. He just puffed out his chest and walked back towards the table he came from.

'What was that all about?' Kibo wondered. 'Maybe he mistook me for someone else.' He looked back towards the ladies whose faces had turned red.

"Is there something on my face?"

She struggled to avert her eyes from his face and with an embarrassed expression she mentioned, "No not at all, Sir. You look really handsome, you should show your face more often, and there's one last thing left to do, I need your name."

"No, thank you and my name is Kibo.", Kibo proceeded to put his hood back on and the ladies became disappointed.


"Yes, just Kibo."

"I see, well if you would follow us to the other side of the building, there is a station to check your power and class, by detecting how much mana you have within your body.

'Oh, a mana detection system? I'm assuming it's not as advanced as the ones on Earth, but since I don't even know my own class and I have no mana, I wonder if anything will show up. On Earth, they just skipped my process and gave me an ID of a Mage which specialised in summoning magic.'

Kibo followed the lady as he walked past rows of adventurers talking and eating, they all slowly started to stare at him one by one as he approached the station.

The lady placed a piece of stone over a magic marking.

"If you would place your hand over that clear block, and try to pour your mana into it." she directed.

He took a step closer and started to hear the noise behind him die out and small whispers took over.

"I wonder what his class is?"

"Ever since he arrived he has been strange!"

"I wonder if he is an assassin dressed like that!"

"Na he is probably some weak village boy!"

Kibo ignored them and placed his hand on the clear, white block.

'Since I have no mana or anything which tells me I have mana in my field of view, all I could do is imagine pouring my mana into this block.'

After a few moments had passed, he opened his eyes and realised nothing had changed.

The lady gave off a confused expression as she nervously laughed.

"Maybe it's broken, let me try."

She placed her hand over the block and suddenly it started to glow green.

"It still works, why don't you just try again," she mentioned, as she struggled to put up a genuine smile after all these strange events.

Kibo repeated the process and still, absolutely nothing happened until suddenly he was interrupted by a loud noise from behind.

"Hahaha, what did I tell you, not only is he weak, he has no magic at all, it didn't even glow one bit, hahahaha!"

Kibo looked back and noticed that more people had started to laugh and others avoided his gaze, pretending to not see a thing.


Kibo's face started to deform from the humiliation coming from behind him. He was not used to this as most people from Earth were afraid of him as he showed how strong Zana was. Only then did they back off from picking on him. He hated people who picked on others for no reason the most due to him being bullied by his stronger classmates when he first entered Academy Island Avalon. His Zana was still weak and he constantly got abused verbally and physically when all he wanted to do was live a peaceful life. These types of people forced him to where he is now and his rage was reaching his limits.

The lady noticed his rapidly changing expression and tried to calm him down.

"Don't worry maybe the device is faulty. Why did you want to become an adventurer? Maybe I could help you with something?"

"So what If I don't have magic, I'm a summoner!" Kibo announced proudly.

The same man who had opened his mouth before shouted once again, "Hahaha, did you hear him? He is one of the rare summoners of the Kingdom, he is trying to save face after such humiliation now he is sprouting big obvious lies, hahahaha!"

Suddenly more laughter started to emerge from the crowd as Kibo's face deformed into a more angry and intimidating look.

'Tch, no one is going to believe me.'
