Chapter 8.1 – Picking a Skillbook The Awakening

"These skill books I have chosen either don't have class restrictions or are specifically for summoners, so please browse through them with ease." The shopkeeper explained.

'Oh, so this is his recommendation.' Kibo thought as he picked up the one closest to him and inspected it.

Skill: Abyssal Extension (Lvl:1)

Skill Grade: A

Mana Consumption: 5000

Description: Allows a Summoner to increase the number of his summons by one for 5 minutes.

'Oh, this looks pretty interesting, but it's pointless for me right now. I never awakened anyone other than Zana before due to a contract, so I have no idea what my cap is. Maybe one day if I figure it out, then this skill book could come in handy, but until then this is useless to me.' He placed the book back down and picked up another.

Skill: Double Jump (Lvl:1)

Skill Grade: E

Mana Consumption: 50 per jump

Description: Allows the user to jump twice as high.

'I already have my skill Leap.' Kibo put the book away just as fast as he had picked it up which led to him becoming disappointed. 'The only difference was this didn't have an outrageous mana consumption. I'm assuming this is a popular book for all classes, but it's pointless for me now.' He picked up the final book.

Skill: Summon's Fury (Lvl:1)

Skill Grade: S

Mana Consumption: 15,000

Description: Allows the Summoner to increase the attack of his summons by 10% for 60 seconds.

"Ohh!" 'Now this looks interesting. It can increase my summons attack by 10% for 60 seconds. Each second counts in a battle, so 1 minute is by no means a short amount of time. The mana consumption is only 15,000 as well. I think I can use this skill.'

The store's manager noticed the smile on Kibo's face and responded, "You have a good eye, Sir, that is a very popular book amongst the elite summoners of the Kingdom."

Hearing his words, Kibo becomes more confident that this is it, and asks for the price. Ayane already knew what was coming remained silent.

"It would cost you one platinum coin, Sir."

Kibo became surprised. He heard a type of currency which he has never heard of before. 'What's one platinum coin? I have only gotten to know about a gold coin, is that the next coin after gold?' Instead of pointlessly thinking about it himself, he asked him.

"How many gold coins would that be?"

"It's 1,000 gold coins or ten large gold coins, Sir," he answered.

'Holy shit, 1,000 gold coins? Nevermind a platinum coin. I didn't even know a large gold coin existed! Damn it, in the grand scheme of things I don't know anything, and I'm broke. I can't afford this skill book at all.' He put it back down reluctantly, as there wasn't anything else he could have done.

He thought carefully about the type of skill book he wanted and finally asked, "Can you get me a skill book which is not easily accessible and more on the strange side? Maybe he could find something beneficial and cheap like Leap.

The shopkeeper became puzzled on why he had given such a strange request but decided to go through with it out of curiosity. He headed back into storage and picked out two skill books. He dusted them off and returned with them. He placed them both on top of the ones already there.

Kibo lifted one of them up and examined it.

Passive Skill: The Final Dodge (Lvl:1)

Skill Grade: S

Mana Consumption: 100,000

Description: Increases the users dodging ability by 10%

'Wow, just wow, a passive skill which increases the dodging ability by 10%!'

'If I can avoid enemies who get close to striking me, I could last long enough for my summons to protect me. This is perfect.' He thought, but he noticed the ridiculous mana consumption due to it being a passive skill. He realised he only needed to waste the mana once for the passive skill to become effective. The issue was he had never tested his mana theory out with his leap skill, so he did not know if he would be able to learn this skill, but he wanted to try anyway.

"How much does this cost?"

The shopkeeper and Ayane became confused about Kibo wanting a skill which he could never learn. Only the mythical heroes from legends had these levels of mana to where they could activate these skills. That's how we came to know passive skills exist in this world. But it's been centuries, and no one else has come along who could reach the same levels of mana as those legends. So these skill books are considered worthless, and many are scattered randomly across the continent along with some inside the Kingdom's treasury which were held by the heroes from the past.

Seeing Kibo so interested in this book, Ayane becomes shocked. 'Could he possibly have the mana to activate it? No, impossible! He is so weak he nearly hurt himself from one of his own skills, if he had so much mana he would have learnt different skills or even brought out more summons, but he didn't.'

The shopkeeper who is just as shocked thought to himself, 'this skill book is worthless since no one can learn it.' He couldn't help but give in to his curiosity. 'What if this man could learn it, what if... Why else would he want it other than a decoration piece for his room?'

"Since it's worthless, we would like to give it to you for free due to our good relations with Lady Ayane. However, we do ask you to only do business with us from now on."

The moment he heard those words, he quickly placed his palm on the book. Just before he could say the words, it suddenly hit him.

'What the fuck am I doing? I can't do this here in front of people. What if in the odd chance of my theory being true becomes true and I actually end up learning this? I will need to do this in secret where no one can see me.' Kibo recollected himself and replied.

"Thank you for your kindness. I will be taking this with me, and this will be all."

Ayane and Kibo get up and proceed to exit the store.

"Well thank you Ayane for your help, I appreciate it."

"It's okay, I wanted to help you, and I was worried you might be still hurt from yesterday, so I wanted to stick around a little longer with you, but it really does seem like you are okay. Ayano must be waiting for me, so I'm going to head back now."

Kibo, who was already expecting that was the case, replied, "Thank you and goodbye!"

As she was just about to walk away she quickly spun around, the hair gracefully flew all around her and with a slight tilt to her head she had the sweetest of smiles as she waved her goodbye.

At that moment Ayane looked like the most beautiful girl he has seen since he has entered this world. Momentarily mesmerised he snapped out of it as she turned around and walked away.

'Phew, that was close. I can't wait any longer. I want to rush back to the Inn and see if I can activate this skill. If I can learn this, I don't even need to test out my leaping theory since I'll know I can tap into at least 100,000 mana.