All across the world this breaking news has been falling into the hands of the masses from the four seas to the grand line and beyond into the new world entering into the hands of the great pirates of the former era and new players trying to carve a piece of fame, power and wealth left in the wake of the former king's death out on the turbulent seas of the world.

And the first to begin reeling from this news were the men that ran the entire world under the king of the world the Five Elder stars inside of the Authority room of castle Pangaea.

{Inside the authority room of castle Pangaea}

The five elders the highest level of authority in the world were having a meeting regarding the death of the late pirate king Gol D. Roger.

"Damn that Roger even after his public execution he still was able to cause such a mess to stir and with the last breath he was able to cause a commotion that we will have deal with for the next few decades at least" said the bald elder with a sword by his side!

"Mm you should calm down my friend since there is nothing that can done now but since he caused this commotion, we should be preparing for the eventual coming of him and use the limited amount of time to strengthen the marines and let the great pirates fight with these newcomers encroaching onto their territories" said the 8-foot tall elder with the merlin beard.

"Even though these pirates will be fighting like ravenous dogs in the new world our plans will be set back for the foreseeable future and that is why we should increase the speed of development of project crimson dawn" said the short elder with a Roosevelt mustache.


A somber silence engulfed the authority room with some slight grumbles of annoyance.

"Well sadly we have no voice in the matter since it is at the command of Imu sama but at least we were able to gather the greatest scientist from across the ocean with the likes of Vegapunk,Ceasar,Queen and Vinsmoke along with their followers to add to the roster of our own under our influence" said the youngest elder with his full set of blonde hair and beard.

"Well now that the agenda for this meeting has been concluded its time to meet with Imu sama in the empty throne room" said the elder with a scar near his left eye".

Then after their final words were exchanged among themselves, they walk at a steady pace through the castle till they made way to through the castle and push through the gate of the world till then enter the throne room and kneel in reverence of imu sama on the empty throne.

And in unison they all say "Imu sama the light that was Roger has been extinguished and his light has been spread and ignited a wave of shining hopefuls that carry his will, so we ask you what your will is".

With bated breath they waited in a still silence that last one a single minute until it was broken by imu with a cold and distance voice through sitting on the empty throne above them all.

Looking down to the 5 elders imu voice was released with a slight pressure emitting from every word that he spoke"The light has faded so now you will commence with my plan and take by blood and merge it with the blood of the devil to create my ultimate weapon to guide the world along its eventual path".

Still reeling from the slight pressure given off from imu sama words the 5 elders nodded their head in subservience and said in unison "as you will it imu sama it will be done".

After receiving the will of their king, the elders set orders to the fleet admiral of the navy Sengoku to reduce activity of chasing and capturing pirates to allow the pirates in the new world to fight amongst themselves and allocate a fleet of 5 vice admirals and 10 rear admirals with a single battle ship for each while having 5 supply ships to support the crews and give fuel for the battle ships and set sail to pick up Queen and Vinsmoke along with Cesar and their other scientist and equipment to commence the project crimson dawn.

And now across the world the feared geniuses of the world received notification of the start of the subsequently unknown project that they were contacted to join only under the agreement that with complete silence that comes with working on such a delicate information that they would be funded for any project that they wished to take under but only that the importation of said project to be shared with the world government at a substantial cost but if the silence would to be broken the weight of the entire world would fall on their shoulders.

With this information in mind all of the scientist agreed whole heartedly since to get all of their insane and morally questionable projects to get funded by such a major power you would have to be crazy or at least even more crazy to say no and with this knowledge of the secrete project it's a two-way street of blackmail that could be done on both sides.

{A week after the death of Gol D. Roger]

The gathering of these criminally insane scientist went smoothly due to the quick and quiet approach and with the legendary hero of the marines Vice Admiral Grap leading the fleet to gather and control these devious figures everything went smoothly are at least as smoothly something under Garp's control.


"HAHAHAHA you really have a very sturdy body don't cha queen and to even survive my serious fist of love" Garp says while cracking his fist.


While flicking gunk out of his ears Garp grabs from his coat his den den mushi and answers it.


"Yeah, yeah what do you want Sengoku I just finished give that bloated bastard queen my fist of love hahahha"

"DAMMIT GARP why do you have to break everything you imbicile it took us months to build this secret base inside Pangaea without the outside world finding out and in don't want the elders breaking my back more than they already are" sengoku said with lines popping out of his head.

"HAHAH calm down sengoku those old bastards already knew that these bastards needed a little love to remember who they work for and plus who the hell will notice a little shacking in this damn castle is it's as big as a mountain" Garp said with a grin.

"Well, what done is done I want you now to inform all the rear admirals to return to marine ford for redeployment and have the vice admirals head directly to head to my office since I have a special project for those three up and coming youngsters" sengoku said.

"Yeah sure and while you at that ill stay here for a bit since I am interested in what you got these science guys doing" Grap said.

"Wait Garp You better come back here this instant because if you go snooping around ill" Sengoku said





"Ah ah Achoo ah I think someone is talking about my handsome face right about now hahahaha. Now let's go see what they egg heads are up to" Grap said.

After hanging up on Sengoku Garp dragged queen's bruised face to the scientific base and after reaching the dungeon area of the castle, he saw what used to be the first level, but it was a science lab with dozens of the smartest people in the work unloading scientific tools that looked like flashy glow sticks strange looking pods that were around the size of a human male.

Soon after finding the lab Garp dropping the twitching body of queen on the ground and let the doctors take care of him and he soon saw old man Vegapunk jump onto a 4-foot-tall stage and stared explain what they were truly doing here.

"Hehehehe now now my colleagues I know that you all must be anxious to finish this project here to that you can get your funding, but I'll make this quick.

So, the name of this project is called crimson dawn where we will be using the genetic material from a voluntary donor that will not be named and a involuntary donor from the same era as the pirate king GOL D. ROGER that just recently captured by the three rising vice admirals of the navy the Bloody Maiden CRIMSON D. ELIZIBETH with the former bounty of 3,224,340,000 berries and with the blood of these two individual we will create the ultimate living weapon" said Vegapunk with great vigor.

After the grand proclamation from the 5-foot-tall doctor with banana shorts and doctor coat with vibrant pink glasses the entire room filled with the greatest minds and some marines such as the likes of Garp all had the same thought.

"What the hell" they all yelled out with Garp even chocking on his rice crackers that he stole from Sengoku's office to save as a snack.

And with a rugged grin Garp said" damn sengoku so that's what you and the old geezers have been up since it seems like you're trying to create the ultimate solider for the marines using the insane body durability that even rivals Lin and natural strength on the level of giants eh… hahha well you just made things interesting sengoku and I guess now ill be raising this brat once he grows up a bit.

So, after hearing Vegapunks words the hundred plus scientist began fertilizing the stolen eggs of the Bloody Maidan and place them in an adjustable incubation that would adjust to the size of the fetus as it goes through its various development stages.

{One month later}

'Well, its been about a month since I've been here just on babysitting duty ever since I pissed off Sengoku which he made me watch the egg heads for an entire month as punishment'.

'But I do have to say it's been somewhat interesting watching these guys fight amongst themselves on how to create the creates weapon from the kid that they started growing in that green liquid filled pod'. 'And since they started working on that baby or whatever they call it they have filled it up with some growth serum or something from what I can understand of it which is supposed to make it growing into it's full infant stage at the end of a pregnancy in just one once which they have managed to achieve'.

'But since my month has finally finished up, I can leave this boring place and finally get back to eat rice crackers and bashing heads'.


"Finally, Sengoku you called to give me a ride back to marine ford… hahaha hey don't be like that I know that you miss me ill be back in a week see you then".


And soon after the call with Fleet Admiral Sengoku Garp left castle Pangaea and within a few days he forgot all about his month long punishment and days went by which turns into weeks then months then even years and with losing more than half of the scientist that started by they either died from the experimentation or left to start a life of piracy or just quit the job then soon were killed by the members of CP 0 in just 15 years the group of scientist lead by Vegapunk were finally on the final step of completing the crimson dawn project.

And with the only step needed to fully awaken him from his deem slumber Vegapunk notified five elders of his success and that he wanted them to come see his creation that was made for. And within a few minutes the five elders came down from their world above and meet Vegapunk down on the new configured lab made from the level one of the castle dungeons.

"Hehehe welcome welcome my dear funders come and gaze upon my greatest invention yet the completed form of project Crimson Dawn" Vegapunk yelled out with great vigor and joy!

And with the excited proclamation of the doctor the elder gazed at the so called finished project with was just a young man no older than 16 years old with short crimson red hair and pale white skin from the lack of exposure to the sun and with him came a normal human frame of 70 inches tall and with slim but firmly dense muscles. But the shocking thing was that this boy was still naked inside a testing tube filled with rainbow-colored liquids.

And with a frown on his face the elder with the sword by his side says, "is this the ultimate weapon that we were promised Vegapunk since this thing just looks like a normal child and not of the blood of the devil and godhood combined".

"Yes I know that he may not be what you would think when the term weapon comes to mind but let me tell you that I did no waste a single berry from the 3 billion berries that was given to fund this project but if you let be finish my presentation I'm sure you will be happy with your new weapon".

And with a slight snort the elders allowed him to continue on with this charade.

"So where was I oh yes This boy's name is Crimson D. Lucious and with your funding I was able to create the world's greatest superhuman due to mixing the genetic data of the Bloody Maiden and from our mysterious donor I was able to have the foundation of human with great potential due to the mother having an excellent body which was able to take untold amount of damage and still survive and however this male was had genetics due to his genetic pool allowing for the stimulation of other cells".

"And from this stimulation as the fetus developed, he had greater brain activity than what was normally seen in infants and mas the years when on the body started to spontaneously add new layers of hardened muscle that reach such a degree than now even with the use of steel weapon we cannot even cause and blood to be leak from his body through stabbing it repeatedly".

"But that is not even the greatest thing before the body became so hardened that we could not even damage it around the specimen's 10th year of life me and my team injected him with multiple genetic altering serums that would strength his mind and body". "One serum was derived from the cell samples gained from Kaido when I was still experimenting on him and added to the subject's incubation pod that allowed for increased cell reproduction which drastically increase his cell's ability to fix its own body".

"And with this regenerative abilities we found that since it would take an average human a week to close and completely heal a cut to one's thumb but when he cut his thumb it healed in a single day and we also added a serum that gave him the strength of a half human/giant hybrid since that was the best we could do without compromising his genetic makeup and causing a critic failure of his genetic structure that would destroy his own cells and lead to his eventual death".

But by fair his greatest ability is not his body durability for strength but his mind and since he was child his mind has been very active and we even presume that before we even injected him with a brain stimulating serum he was estimated to me as intelligent as any know scholar of the world just by going along with his constant brain activity and after injecting him with the brain stimulating serum I would say that once he is released from this pod with only a single year of education he would be able to function as normally as you or I".

"And to summarize how powerful my creation is without any formal training or knowledge and just going his unique physical characteristic and his enhanced comprehension abilities I would say at the very least if he was a pirate, I would give him a 500 million berry bounty but it would be more reasonable to give him a bounty of around 600 million to 800 since even hoping if all of my calculation he would at his maximum callabilities be able to push around the 900 million bounty mark"

"And if your calculation are correct then this project can be considered a success at the very least up to this moment and we will see if he can still gain more power with the proper Guidance and if he doesn't meet our standards then we will have to discuss defunding many of your projects Vegapunk" stated the tall elder with blonde hair and a beard.

"Hehehe well of course of course now let be commence the final preparation to his awakening". And with that being said Vegapunk went over to his control panel and activated the sequence to open the containment center and with a single press of a button the pod door was unsealed and al of the colorful liquid flooded onto the floor only inches away from the five elder feet and the body of the red hair boy just stood still unflinching as if he was commanded to stand still.

But soon after all of the liquid finally exited the pod the young man opened his eyes revealing crimson red eyes which contained 3 swirling circle reaching closer to his cornea and as he saw the world for the first time, he uttered a single word in a quiet manner.


And after he uttered that simple word a crimson red wave of Conquerors Haki emerged from the boy's eyes and the spread through the entire castle causing it to shake ever so slightly until the power of kings reached the empty throne room were the king of the world resided a pure white wave of Conquerors Haki was released from the man sitting on top of his throne at the center of the world until in pushed the red wave back to the boy who unleashed it and she after colliding with the boy he fell to the ground passed out.

And all within the room were in a state of shock even the five elders that governed the world were shock by how their master released his own divine power to quell this child.

But within the throne room the king of the world began his walk down to the lowest levels of his castle while only whispering a single word.