Time passed quickly for me since the breeze against my face as I ran across the rooftops of the largest and tallest buildings in the city rushing towards my newly construed warship and all the while trying to beat the rush of the new arriving pirates that should be getting their final supplies through Lucaus with a five percent friendly discount.

And with another final mad dash to the shipyard and creating a sonic boom along the way I finally arrived at the yard and not a second too late for the seven sins were just arriving along with their newly recruited members.

They looked strong and each of the respective pirate captains exuded an aura of power for reaching the peak of power for their respective sea and they each showed potential for at least one form of Haki and one even had the aura of a sleeping conquer which greatly surprised me since it is said that a king is born within the populace at one to a million individuals.

'Man, I'm going to have to show off to gain the respect of these captains since they likely don't know me and if they do, they are just going to think that my bounty is just inflated due to killing a bunch of kings and queens'.

'Maybe I should just kill one of them since that would instill fear and respect'.

'No that wouldn't work since then I'd have to find a replacement for whichever one I kill, I guess I'll just beat one of them up to show my dominance'.

As the group of pirates were led by the sins to the front of the shipyard, I spread my devil fruits aura onto the ground through contact with my leg and a red bubbly aura now enveloped an area of 5 meters around myself and converted the wooden floor into solid gold.

And from this gold I used my power to forge it into an exquisite golden throne like father's own and created weapon stands Infront of my throne made of solid gold and a hint of red rubies placed at the base of each stand.

Each stand matched the weapon of choice for each of these pirate captains and had their original pirate crew emblem on their respective stand.

As I completed my golden throne and sat upon it, I released the full pressure of my Conquerors Haki unto the pirates not caring if they became crippled or not for any sign of weakness would destroy any chance of commanding them.

The crimson wave of conquerors crashed against the pirates and even the sins due to their proximity.

The weakest of sins Envy had a few drops of sweat fall from her brow from the pressure of my Haki but besides that she held a firm grip on her consciousness and wouldn't falter from facing any foe less than an Admiral level fighter.

The twins of the sins Gluttony and Greed were barely fazed by the pressure since then I could only see a slight sign of discomfort on their faces. \

The remaining sins showed little to know sign of discomfort and to my surprise Lust seemed to be the one that had the least discomfort instead of wrath since she had a Lewd smile of her face while making incoherent noises.

Now that's beside the point I refocused attention away from the sins condition and fixed my view towards my new subordinates.

They were all trying their damned hardest to not pass out, while all were still conscious it seemed that if I kept this up, they would all fall, but I took notice of the important ones were fighting against falling unconscious more than the rest.

The Most notorious pirates of the Group such as Jack "The Blade" a ruthless pirate that welds two blades like myself a one-handed long sword in the left hand and short sword for parrying in the right hand.

He is estimated by the reports to be in his mid to late 20s while having snow white hair and blue eyes and besides his appearance staying generally the same, he wears a simple blue padded clothing set with a leather studded chest piece and leg piece.

He Is said in the reports to be a man that wears his emotions on his sleeves and is prone to anger at the slightest provocation but in the report, it also says how whenever a battle would break out, he does his damned best to reduce damage to the environment and people around him.

For his honest but explosive personality along with his skill with the blade that surpasses the level of any pirate or marine on this side of the world and for his care to reduce damage and civilian causalities the WG was given the conservative bounty of 90 million berries in the hopes of recruiting him to the marines.


Along with him that was putting up a damn good fight against my Haki was Remy "The Reaper" a cold blood man that only cares for seeing the screams of other pirates as they run for their lives.

A former marine Lieutenant that was raised and breed to join the Navy by his father a Navy Vice Admiral trained every tirelessly to reach the position of an Admiral one day as was the dream of his father for not having the ability to reach the peak of power within the world.

After leaving marine HQ with the rank of Ensign he completed many vital missions and rose through the ranks at a steadfast rate but for some unknown reason which Lucus couldn't find about he left the marines.

After he left, he threw aside his cap and took on the moniker of The Reaper and armored himself with leather and steel plated armor and two daggers that he ripped from the corps of a pirate.

For these Reasons he has been given the bounty of 80 million berries due to excellent fight abilities, lineage and knowledge on the rokushiki powers.


Kai "The Hurricane" is known for his ability to manipulate weather and more specifically the wind. This ability to thought to be due to a devil fruit but it has yet to be conformed or not.

He is a young man estimated to be from the age of 18 to 20 and with his young age he as an energetic and free going personality that anyone would enjoy having around themselves.

He is a dark-skinned male with dark brown hair and yellow eyes. that wears the traditional garb of his people for his family lives within an isolated fishing village at the edge of the west blue with a small population of under 500.

He can't stand the weak being ruled by the rich and powerful and due to his beliefs has disrupted the slave trade of Mutiple celestial dragons causing a large bounty of 90 million within only a month of disrupting the local slave trade.


Now Blaze "The Phoenix" he is a very interesting case since his report had the least amount of information provided by Lucas when I asked him to delve into the history of my new crew.

All that is known amount the man is that his age is expected to be from 23 to 25 years and that his only know personal fact about the man is that he loves to sleep and when anyone wakes him from his sleep prematurely, he has always severely beaten the person no matter who they are.

He is a man that stand at a simple 6 feet tall with blonde hair and silver eyes which contracts his loose clothing and that he wields to custom made blade that were made by himself with unknown mean and by some way can release a blast of steam from the tip of the blade in a straight line.


These four pirates are the most impressive of the group and have the strongest wills for they have showed the best results against my Haki.

And after releasing my Haki for a minute long duration I stop using my Haki and gesture my hand to the weapon stand and say, "Come worth my new Lieutenants and place your weapons in the stands as a sign of fealty to me and my new crew".

And one by one the former pirate captains placed their blades in the stand and stood beside their former crew members and asked, What now"?

I get off my throne and stand before the hundreds of pirates that just swore their loyalty with my back straight and stab my Supreme Grade swords to the sky and scream with all my might.


And with my final roar the crew all raised their hands to the sky and began to board the ship and with that we set sail from our hideaway city and into the world of pirates.