Joke gone differently

A horse walks into a bar, and the bartender says "Why the long face?" but that was just the horse's imagination. What really happened was the bartender said "GET OUT!!" but that still was imagination, the imagination of the bartender.

What really really happened was the bartender stood in shock at the horse.The horse after looking at the bartender walked around the bar stealing beer and drinking it.

A few hours the horse leaves after getting drunk, but not before fighting the bartender knocking him out.

The horse picked fights with other people, even a baby killing it because of its weakness. The state of Texas where this happened issued a 100,000$ bounty.

The bounty was claimed by the exact same bartender as in the beginning of this story.

The bartender repeated the process just as he had done many times before just with different animals.

(A.N. This did not actually happen, I just made this joke for fun. If you don't get the last part, well I'm not telling you what that meant. Also I will probably make another joke like this later.)