Some Ideas

1. Person has endless reincarnation, but nothing happens except for the memories being transported to a newborn entity. The person can reincarnate into anything if you couldn't tell already.


2. Person is created in a lab and for its childhood it just observes and learns. After childhood, maybe at age 12 or something, it is released into the world and the creators observe. You can make special scenes where the creators react to its actions.


3. Person has many many clones and the person tries to manage all his clones which is hard cause he's really smart to create clones. Some clones will probably escape into the world that is a little ahead of the real world but not by much. You can make it like Rick and Morty with lots of aliens.


4. The story will follow animal society and because everyone is an animal there is gotta be situations that humans can't do, for example animals can become a 'car'. This idea has good potential if you make tech better suited for different species, otherwise you just made something as good as Sing and that was terrible, might as well make a story about humans you unimaginative pieces of crap. Maybe have the mc be the king and the stories are just reports the king is reading, and then using the reports the king will understand the situation of his kingdom and better it.


5. The macro realm interacting with the micro realm. The micro realm people can make nano-tech and macro people can make big stuff like spaceships. Micro people can also enter macro bodies and find harmful bacteria or viruses and eliminate it using nano-tech. The possibilities are huge, or small if you are an unimaginative piece of crap.


6. The mc is trapped in a 1D world(which is just a moderately big tunnel) and has to ascend into 2D and then 3D. You could also make the mc ambitious so he/she goes to 4D(travel through time), and 5D(travel through timelines), and 6D(travel through universes).
