In the beginning

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only celestial body believed by humans to harbour life. While large amounts of water can be found throughout the Solar System, only Earth sustains liquid surface water. About 71% of its surface is made up of the ocean, dwarfing Earth's polar ice, lakes, and rivers. The remaining 29% of Earth's surface is land, consisting of continents and islands.

Earth's liquid outer core generates the magnetic field that shapes Earth's magnetosphere, deflecting destructive solar winds. Earth is an ellipsoid with a circumference of about 40,000 km. It is the densest planet in the Solar System. Of the four rocky planets, it is the largest and most massive. Earth formed over 4.5 billion years ago.

During the first billion years of Earth's history, the ocean formed and then life developed within it. Life spread globally and began to affect Earth's atmosphere and surface, leading to Earth's Great Oxidation Event two billion years ago.

~~~ The early Age of the Gods ~~~

The Dinosaurs roamed the Earth for millions of years until their age came to an end 65 million years ago, putting an end to the Cretaceous period. The great extinction was caused by the impact of an asteroid in the Yucatán Peninsula. Right before the asteroid hit, the atmosphere was characterized by its incredible Ether, which was much denser than the Isle of Britain. The density of Magical Energy was on par with if not more than a Reality Marble. The region of Mesoamerica is known for having very different mythology compared to the gods of Uruk. Their gods are not from the planet Earth. They are said to have come from the sky. When the asteroid collided with Earth, "something" that came with it survived and infected the living beings near this asteroid. Eventually, it became a microscopic organism that changed the local animals into "gods," and built that area's civilizations. These gods came to form the Aztec Pantheon. The first one to be infected or the first generation of these gods later came to be known as Quetzalcoatl. He was known for his virtue but is also endowed with aspects as a ferocious deity of war. Quetzalcoatl was a righteous God under whom humans prospered.

~~~ The middle Age of Gods period ~~~

It is marked by a greater proliferation of Phantasmal Species and greater interaction between gods and mortals. This is the age of heroes and mythology when the rules of mankind and the laws of the world were different right down to the very fundamental physics of reality itself. Even Magecraft itself is described as being closer to magic in this era.

The late age of Gods can be divided into three notable eras.

~~~ The Era of Deterioration ~~~

Originally, gods existed in physical form as manifestations of nature itself and ruled the Earth and its civilizations. The Deterioration began with the invasion of Sefar in 12,000 BC. Sefar which came to be known as the giant god of destruction raised 80% of the surface to the ground bringing extinction to almost all forms of life on earth.

Velber 02 whose true name is Sefar is the second of three Void Cells deployed by the Velber in 12,000BC.




The Velber is a form of observation device created by an unknown race. The body of the Velber is the Wandering Star of Predation, also called the Harvest Star, which is a comet-like structure resembling a crying eye. The part that can be called it's core is surrounded by numerous layers of Arks of the Stars. These individual, detachable space vessels, act as their armour for it. Anti-Cells are beings contained within the Arks of the Stars that are sent to act as the vanguard of the Velber to conquer planets and destroy intelligent life. Void Cells or the anti-cells are spiritron(soul)-gathering entities. They are able to contaminate individuals with the will of the Velber.

Void cells are developed from the data of destroyed civilizations to create "high-level information life forms". They are organic life forms specifically designed to efficiently destroy civilizations. Each Void-Cell has inherited the characteristics of a different civilization, so each is a "completely distinct organism right down to their manner of existence.

Velber works on a set orbit, passing through the Milky Way Galaxy once every 14,000 years, selectively targeting and destroying all intelligent life in its path. Its true motive is still known to none.

In 12,000BC Velber 02 was sent to invade the earth.


Sefar destroyed most of mankind's earliest civilizations, including Atlantis in an event that would be remembered as the 'Leukosmachia'. Because the Twelve Machine Gods of Atlantis abided by their territory, they were unable to defeat Sefar by themselves whilst they would have put up a fight as a group. Sefar claimed Ares' personal sword who was one of the twelve machine gods as a trophy. After the purge, the remnants of the gods survived but lost their true bodies. The last surviving gods put up a last stand against Sefar most notable were Amaterasu, Shiva, Quetzalcoatl, Amun and the Twelve Machine Gods. It wasn't until the six Great fairies forged the Holy Sword forged in the core of the planet, that Sefar was finally beaten back. Although the gods did survive, due to the damage done by Sefar, their influence and power declined whereas those of humanity grew. The gods slowly began to lose their physical forms and eventually could only walk on the Earth by possessing compatible humans.

~~~ Era of Separation ~~~

The notable start of this era began with the Indian subcontinent. Around 5000BC, the fallout between two groups of cousins, the Kaurava and the Pāṇḍava princes, led to all-out war among the demi-gods of that region in Kurukshetra. With the decision of Krishna, the incarnation of one of the Primordial God of the Hindu Pantheon, the gods retreated to the reverse side.

Realizing that if the weakening of the gods were to continue, the Age of Gods itself would end, the gods of Mesopotamia created Gilgamesh around 2,600 BC as the keystone to connect the gods and humans. However, Gilgamesh unexpectedly rebelled against the gods and encouraged the complete separation of the gods and the humans. Due to this, the decline of the gods was accelerated, and the gods lost their powers and became Divine Spirits, forced to exist in the Reverse Side of the World, only able to observe the Earth without directly interfering.

In 1,000 BC, the Norse Pantheon came to an end during Ragnarök. Later, around 931 BC, the demise of Solomon, the King of Magic, accelerated the decline of Mystery.

~~~ Era of change ~~~

In 700 BC, there was a certain trigger that caused the end of the Age of Gods and the beginning of the next age.

~~~ Age of Fairies ~~~

Not much is known about the Age of Fairies but during the Age of Fairies, the phantasmal species were at the top of power with the retreat of all the Gods.

~~~ Age of Man ~~~

Around 0 AD, the Age of Gods ended entirely and the population of humanity grew explosively. Because the Earth obeys the law of the most prosperous species on its surface, the rules of the world were completely changed from one that mostly obeyed Mystery to one that mostly obeyed physics. With the ending of the rule of the Empress Artoria Pendragon in the British Isles, around late 5AD to early 6AD the age of fairies came to an end. The Phantasmal Species ceded the Earth's surface to humans and moved to the Reverse Side of the World, where Mystery still thrives.

In this era where Mysteries such as magecraft are dwindling in favour of science some individuals did what was deemed impossible, the Five Magics were born in this age.

Humans just regard Earth as the only one to harbour life out of eight planets in the solar system, but it also has a will of its own same as the other celestial bodies. Gaia is the will of the Earth, the planet's intrinsic wish to survive and prosper, but since Earth also gave birth to Humans, Alaya which was part of Gaia was born. It is the collective unconscious will of mankind to avoid extinction. However, as mankind began to develop independent from nature, it became independent. With this divergence, Alaya is no longer aligned with Gaia. This resulted in Gaia wanting to reign in humans through creating a natural predator while Alaya opposed in every step. The breaking point was when humanity's future showed them using the ether released from the dead body of the planet. Though Gaia was kind as it considered Humanity its own child, desecration of its own body was unacceptable. This species had forced others to extinction and now also will outlive the planet. So, Gaia requested help from the other celestial bodies, and they responded by sending their pinnacle lifeform, the Ultimate one.


Ultimate Ones


Ultimate Ones are the ultimate beings from the celestial bodies, differing significantly from both creatures of Earth and each other biologically and in appearance. They do not have the same sense of self as humans, nor do they have the concepts of damage or death. They require something above the existence of the common sense of the planet in order to be harmed or destroyed, though the resulting "death" is not necessarily permanent. Each is the strongest lifeform of its planet, essentially the planets themselves, and they each have the power to single-handedly exterminate all existing lifeforms on Earth. Beings so powerful completely unchallenged except other ultimate ones. They do not contend with each other, operating freely without conflict.


During the transition between the Era of Fairies and the Era of humans, something extraordinary happened. A soul that traversed through beyond the swirl of emptiness that encompassed the entirety of existence, landed on earth. Gaia thought of its potential and made a bet by taking it into herself. Either it brought unmatched destruction or change the fate of the world.

This led to a child birthed by Gaia herself in the core of the earth. A fairy-Dragonoid god hybrid with the highest number of divine patterns ever seen since the start of the Era of the gods. The divine pattern is like magic circuits but vastly superior with a draconic core to pump mana. This child was born greater than any Mother class fairy, a god or a dragon.

The fairies or the fae develop from the inner sea of the planet. These faes which come from within the inner sea of the planet are known in the magecraft world as Great Fathers or Great Mothers and can be thought of as an extension of Gaia that carries her bidding. They're about the same scope as an anthropomorphized nature divinity, while Gods were beings formed by the thoughts of Humans and born into the world without being influenced by the will of the people and grow stronger the more people worship them but unlike those gods, fairies are not clothed in human rules. Great Fathers and Mothers are pure transcendent existences. Whereas the dragons were pinnacles of the phantasmal species with their raw strength and magic immunity. This put the child on a league of her own.

Gaia placed the child in the womb of a human who could handle the childbirth and that being Igraine. This child grew up alone in a secluded town that was on the coast among green hills, where the wind raged and the sea bristled like the manes of a thousand galloping white horses. If one were to gaze at the faraway land from atop a cliff, they would see a long coast shrouded in mist, running as far as the eye can see. She was attached to nature very closely from birth. She would sometimes hear an invisible voice that claimed she was her real mother who would advice and console her on hard times. She would continue to live in that town until Merlin came and took her to live with Sir Ector. Her very soul was always against the idea of king and somehow forewarned of her doom. This led to her find ways to avoid the doom in the foreseeable future she thought of learning from the fae.

Though she was a part fairy, the other fairies hated her for she didn't have a fairy name until Vivian decided to take her in as a deciple. Her father Uther Pendragon, was disappointed that the prophesied King was not a boy and avoided her till the day he died in the hands of Vortigern. Igraine was a lady lost in love for her husband that she completely ignored not only Artoria but also Morgan.

Morgan was born with supernatural blood that was thought to have died with King Uther. She also inherited from King Uther the primaeval curse that lurks in the British Isles in the form of blackened magical energy of the same kind as Excalibur Morgan's. Morgan inheriting this power made her the "owner" of the British Isles and a greater "King of the Island" than Artoria could ever become and marked her as Uther's proper daughter, but Uther still chose Artoria as his successor.

With gaining the clairvoience and gaining the knowledge of her past life, this led to her taking a completely another route than the one known as 'saber'. Even with everyone protest, she was crowned the king when the Sword of selection was pulled by her. She began ruling with the idea of the modern society. It was doomed to fail as even the 'modern' society was that of humans and doomed to fail. She brought them victories but couldn't get what she wanted from the people. She was an ideal king at first that turned towards tyranny to bring a change. What Artoria didn't notice was that she was a being that is playing human but was fundamentally different. She was a god, a fairy and a dragon who was not bound by the individual weakness of each race. She was a youngling but once she began maturing her tolerant personality began changing towards that of a prideful one. She become disatisfied with her ministers, her nobles and her knights. Though fault was on the other side if she was patient enough she might have brought a change. This will only go down the history as a what if story.

Well while on the reverse side, Vortigern and Morgan were preparing of revange while the Knights of the Round Table were trying to sort what to do next after disbanding, the battle between two beings shocked the every inhuman being whether a God, a fairy, a phantsmal species, a magus, a True Ancestor or any other species that lieved in a layer of Earth.

After Artoria left the British Isles and was passing through Orleans, she had a small skirmish with a swordswoman just like her. Both fought and Artoria won. What Artoria dismissed as a strong mangus was actually Attila the Hun. Who had like Artoria carved an empire with her own power. Due to this little skirmish, Attila was delayed for the decisive Battle of Catalaunian Plains, and faced a loss in the hands of Roman-Goth army.

With the missing of a strong contender in the Eastern Europe due to ruler of British Isles leaving her power, Attila decided to annex whole of Europe. In her ambition she met the British Empress in her journey both not knowing of the other's identity had a small sword fight. Attila couldn't get a decisive hit during their battle due to photon ray being ineffective against Artoria. This unsettled both of the battlers as both ignored the other as a strong magus not going completely all out.

This was not case however when Artoria was passing through Hungary. Artoria and Attila met again.

Throughout her life, Altera was always in the midst of battle. Due to the terrifying acts she commited in war, she was greatly feared in all European nations as the Scourge of God, the divine punishment. She is a pure King of Combat, an avatar of destruction literally.

This time the battle was different. It was not just the Empress of Britain and the absolute ruler of Hun fighting but the battle between the Ultimate One of Earth and the incarnation of core of Sefar. While Artoria had Excaliber that was effective against Attila but Attila also had the Black Barrel. The Black barrel is a "Conceptual Weapon of natural life-span", capable of imposing the notion of limited life-span into the body of near-immortal creatures. Composed of Fifth True Theoretical Element, bullets fired from the gun will disintegrate all instances of Ether they come into contact with, ignoring any parameters of beings that intake Ether to deliver direct damage. The greater the quantity of Ether, the more damage will be inflicted upon the enemy, and it is impossible to even hold it unless the body is free of such substances. Artoria was ultimate one so her body was made of true Ether and Black Barrel countered that. While Artoria had Mana Burst, Attila had Crest of the Star. This led to full scale battle between them. While Attila had Photon Ray or the sword of machine god Ares, Artoria had the Holy Lance Rhongomyniad.

The battle lasted for entirity of two and a half weeks. They both going blow to blow matching the rhythm of the other. Artoria had met her match. Both were the antithesis of the other. During their height of the battle, Attila had awakened her core as a void-cell. Artoria was in return forced to display her true power or rather accept her status as the Archtype Earth. At this point the outer layer of Earth was on the verge of collapsing. None could interfare in the battle between the two. It was Artoria's decision to take the battle to the underworld otherwise humanity would have ended by time of the end of their battle.

This battle was watched by all as the layers become so fragile one could force their way to the other side. But none dared to. While the True Ether that the celestial bodies are made up of and present in beings closed to the plated Ether is the artifical magical energy basis of modern magicraft. Mixing mana and Ether or True Ether makes magic possible. Artoria and Attila used attacks fueled by True Ether that caused destruction unseen since the battle of Gods and Sefar in 12000BC.

In the underworld battle lasted for five days where Artoria was able to stab through the left lungs of Attila by sacrificing her right hand and leg while in the war Artoria lost her left eye.

Attila "Ha! Ha! Ha! This is the death I want. A full-on one on one battle with someone that can go toe-to-toe without holding back."

Attila was speaking while Excalibur was lunged in the left side of her chest. Both standing while Attila legs bearly attached to her body while Artoria was standing on one leg.

Artoria "Hmm! Still speaking. This entire fight was unnecessary."

Attila "No! My entire being said to defeat you and I just did."

Artoria "You won, who decided that."

Attila "It is by my decree as you are unable to battle."

Artoria "Let see!"

Artoria forcefully pulls Excalibur and readies to attack with her left hand. While Attila tries to raise her right hand and aim the Black Barrel the battle was interrupted. A space crack was formed and Attila was slowly being pulled by it. Even she tried she can escape its pull.

Attila "Altera"

Artoria "What"

Attila "Call me Altera, that is what I allow those close to call me by."

Artoria "Artoria Pendragon those close or not call me by."

Attila "Its sad that you are alone. Even I have someone I can trust fully."

Artoria "The audacity. I too have nickname, its Lily."

With that Attila or Altera was summoned by the Ark of the Star in which Sefar arrived in the moon around 13000 years ago while Artoria was called by Gaia In the Avalon. Both of them succumbed to long slumber to heal.

The inhumans whether a Magus or any other magical being learned the meaning of true terror for the first time. Every Magus felt it, even Alaya refrained from intervening between them. Either it was sure that humanity would be safe or it couldn't do anything. Possibility of the second option being higher as the landscape of the underworld was changed completely.

This duo later named as the Twin Calamity by those Magus that witnessed the carnage. Every single being came to know about Archtype Earth Artoria and Velber 02 Altera. From Morgan, Vortigern, The round table knights and Merlin to the Association Director of the Clock Tower, Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg and other Magus had only feeling that is of dread. While funnily enough humans watched the beginning battle of Attila and Artoria and later the disappearance of both from the face of Earth after their battle. This passed down human history a the rulers of two strong Empires that eloped togather.