shadow guards

byeol sat on the huge stones near the pond, he noticed the handmaids, eunuchs and even guards working around or running to get one task done or the other, staring at him. he knew he was odd for a three year old which led to him being marked as a divinely blessed child, people lucky to meet him usually came to him asking to be blessed by his divine hands. "tch how funny and naive they were" he thought.

he also noticed his shadow guards; they were truly well hidden only someone as observant and intelligent as byeol could notice them. byeol saw that the leader of the shadow guards noticed that he saw them; the shock on the face of the leader of the shadow guards feiye was amusing. The leader of the shadow guards was a puzzle byeol had unraveled, the leader was barely 11 but was in charge of the shadow guards; one of the most elite military unit.

like their name shadow guards, they were incognito, you could never see them and so were perfect for surprise attacks,poisoning, delivering messages or packages, protection and even spying, the shadow guards were picked from birth and underwent meticulous and strenuous training, of course he only knew this much thanks to the fact that he read all the volumes the original books "princes" a thousand times each!.

The shadow guards were actually one of his birthday gifts from his father the emperor, a huge banquet was thrown to celebrate his one year old birthday and he actually received a lot of gifts as the divinely blessed and sent child.

The fifth and sixth prince were already born with a one year gap respectfully but the seventh prince was yet to be born, in the book the second prince is quite grown before the birth of the seventh prince. so his birth obviously won't be happening now.

the shadow guards were now under his authority and only listened to one person which was him, not even the emperor could command them anyhow.

despite being lost in his thoughts byeol had noticed that the leader of the shadow guards actually called feiye had revealed himself to stand by him.

"feiye" byeol suddenly spoke up without even turning around "the greatest glory in living lies not in never falling but in rising every time we fall, remember that anytime you feel like giving up" byeol adviced.

actually in the book feiye was the most loyal person to the second prince till the end, he lived with the second prince and died with the second prince, so many fans even actually shipped a romance between the second prince and feiye, but alas nothing happened between them though there are theories that the feiye harbored special feelings for the second prince.

feiye remained quiet for a while, he was a bit stunned but then smiled "your highness I shall remember that for as long I live, your highness is not just blessed with an impeccable eyesight but great wisdom as well" just as he finished those words he left, like he had never been there.

that was one crazy thing about shadow guards if you aren't very very observant you will never spot their coming in or going out but byeol spotted every movement he made.


feiye sat quietly on the roof watching the prince, noticing his second in command nanzhi coming towards him. as soon as nanzhi saw feiye's face he felt like something had happened, feiye had a gentle smile on his face which made his beautiful gentle features even more defined. "what happened feiye" the curious nanzhi couldn't help but ask.

"curious as ever eh nanzhi" feiye chided

but continued " his royal highness prince byeol sure is interesting" feiye uttered. "how so, oh damn you feiye just spill the beans already" nanzhi was on the verge of bursting from curiosity, feiye chuckled but continued anyway "all I have to say is that the prince might seem three (3) year old to us but his wisdom surpasses that of an old man, that prince isn't just a simple kid"