byeol plays judge

byeol turned to the empress lee do-yun and her sister lee seo-yun, the empress was barren and so gave her sister to the emperor, lee seo-yun is the mother of the first prince and is only as vicious and as wicked as the empress her sister.

please do not mind me if I address everyone interviewed as lady I have to be fair after all" byeol said.

"so lady lee seo-yun you discovered the so called theft right" byeol asked

yes the consort replied "actually i discovered that my jade ring was missing and then i realized after searching that it was a theft I then also noticed the second prince's mother's Handmaids searching privately for something i thought that the second Prince's mother had lost something like I did but when the thief was caught and denied having byeol's mother bracelets despite being tortured i realised that it was only my ring that were stolen. so the consort must have sold them; because if she had misplaced them they would have been found a long time ago.

"you're talking too much" byeol said and just that sentence alone sent ripples in the air many were trying to stifle laughter, the consort looked as if she'd been slapped "a ten year old telling me I talk too much" she was tongue tied.

"i asked you a simple yes and no question" byeol continued with an expressionless face and without sparing anyone a glance.

despite that byeol noticed how the consort lee seo-yun avoided mentioning the empress's name. "hmm lee do-yun how ruthless are you, you never want to take the fall, if anything goes wrong now your sister will take the punishment and not you" byeol thought

"call the eunuch that allegedly stole" byeol commanded. everyone expected him to interrogate the eunuch but instesd he just spared a tiny glance at the eunuch and dismissed him.

"now now" byeol said "I forgot to ask what does the bracelet even look like" byeol asked pretending not to know.

" it's a very sharp green" the consort immediately spoke up and then realized that byeol had actually baited her into a trap but too late.

"I wasn't asking you my lady but how did you know what it looks like except you stole it" byeol said mildly and coldly as if he was talking about the weather;

that sentence alone was able to turn everybody's suspicion including the emperor's on the consort

"wait no I mean I don't know I guess I must have seen it somewhere that's... why, yes that's why" the consort tried to correct herself hurriedly.

byeol ignored her and turned to the emperor "your majesty I can't go on unless her palace is searched please give me the authority to mobilise my troops to search her palace carefully"

the emperor nodded this was a serious case after all selling things gifted by the emperor was only punishable by death stealing them the same thing death.

"feiye take some shadow guards with you and search the lady's palace leave no stone unturned" byeol ordered but no one except xingye saw the nods exchanged between the prince and feiye. xingye only saw it because xingye couldn't stop staring at the prince.

"hmm search but you won't find anything" lady lee said with great confidence, it was only when feiye returned with four bracelets sharp green that she knew she was doomed.