crown prince

one thing byeol had made sure to do all the 21 years that he had spent in this world was to make sure that he had enough troops. byeol had secretly been gathering soldiers,spies through ecret routes, some were even underground. spies here and there infiltrating different places.

byeol made sure that despite his nonchalant behaviour and expressionless face that he had network everywhere.

there was no news that did not reach him before it reached anybody else that is if he even allowed the news to even get out and that had helped him a lot.

he was gathering the troops because he knew he was slowly changing the timeline of the book who knew what would happen; maybe it would not be in accordance with what he had read. what if there was a Rebellion what would he use to defend the rebellion? his troops of course.

byeol slowly walked down with his eyes closed, today he had set in motion a very good drama now all he had to do was watch it unfold, in fact it was already unfolding.

just as he was walking he noticed xingye rushing towards him "byeol did you hear" arching an eyebrow byeol pretended to be ignorant "well" xingye continued "the first prince sunhoe left the north border where he was placed In charge without protection and then defiled a poor innocent girl, he is being tried at court right now" subconsciously xingye grabbed a hold of byeol hand.

even though byeol hated other people touching him; xingye was an exception he loved holding his tiny pink palm, tracing his palm along it and just looking at it.

in these 21 years their relationship had slowly formed into something very close with romance brewing above that none of them dared take the first step towards.

"let's go" xingye tugging byeol pulled him towards the court entrance.

as they walked in byeol noticed the first prince kneeling down with his head hung down, the emperor looked really furious too. "seems like my plan worked but still to add fuel to the flames" byeol added. with an expressionless and cold voice he asked "sunhoe why and how could you do it? is this how you plan to LEAD the nation" byeol mocked.

the emperor looked really disappointed and furious and then in a fit of rage stood up and said " in such times and circumstances it is essential to manage the imperial affairs with great care. prince byeol dae-hyun has shown great understanding, skilled in any way possible. he has demonstrated grace and excellence in his ways of conduct and his way is revered within the nationa as a symbol of peace and solemnity. i hereby appoint second prince byeol as the crown prince."