don't count

"it's so cold" xingye shivered.

turning to look at byeol in his white robes, byeol looked untouchable and way out of his league. even when they were all kids the emperor always said that byeol was the one with the royal aura. byeol was wearing silky white robes, he hadn't even been bothered to tie his hair up letting them flow down to his waist. he looked like a porcelain doll with a scary aura.

"feiye" byeol simply said. today byeol did not look cold and ruthless, today he looked like something good was going to happen. just the thought of that made xingye shiver again, he knew that byeol's definition of something good wasn't good at all.

"your highness they'll be here soon" feiye informed.

"hm take xingye and scram" byeol ordered with a smile.

"your highness please how can I leave you here" feiye Cried Out with tears almost spilling from his eyes. "your Highness do you want me to become your ancestor".

byeol calmly cocked his head to look at him "feiye 3--"

"ah your highness don't count" feiye screamed grabbing xingye and running out.

he knew the crown prince best, the crown prince who was ruthless to anyone and was a big bully. if the crown prince actually counted no one would be able to save feiye. "i'd rather be the ancestor of the crown prince than be the crown prince prey fuuuu" feiye cried out.

"your highness xingye don't worry his highness is just looking out for you plus I know the crown prince. he will definitely torture those men to death" feiye consoled xingye.