This is the part where you run

~3rd Person point of view~

while Lucien was looking around the hallway seeing if anything changed while he was "dead" on the other side of the corner of the hallway Josie saltzman can be seen walking down the hall with her head turning all over the place looking for her she doesn't see that her and Lucien are headed straight for each other right before she could do anything they both bump into each other josie almost ends up falling over but Lucien catches in time " so sorry for not looking where I'm going" Lucien manages to get while he stares into Josies eyes while Josie was a blushing mess " no it's not your fault I wasn't looking where I was" as Josie looked up she was surprised to see that it was lucien the boy she had a crush on since she knew what love meant " Lucien is that actually you or am I hallucinating ? " lucien chuckled at this and said sarcastic tone " no it's me alright so whats got you down " Josie was shocked to hear him ask her what's wrong with her looking as nobody has asked her how she felt for a long time and so Lucien seeing that Josie was shocked started waving his hand in front of her Face" Yoo-hoo Jo you still with me or - " Josie cut him off by quickly replying" no I'm still here it's just I need to find my dad it's about Lizzie gotta go bye " as Lucien watched Josie's retreating form he started thinking 'well this school is just getting weirder ' while this was happening inside the headmasters office we can see a panicking Landon Kirby get choked out by MG Alaric looks at hope and then at mg " take him to the werewolf cellars " mg who is now picking up Landon puts him on his shoulders and says " alright gotcha doc" while they were walking out hope went to follow them but Alaric stop her " wait are you going to tell me what happened between you and lucien " hope now looke ld at her father figure and said in a sassy tone " No I don't think I will " and right after she said this she was out of the door

~ Timeskip to the party~

Lucien who has been wondering around the entire school can now be seen walking around the woods with Josie " so you gonna tell me whats wrong with you " Josie who was looking down at the ground came to stop dead in her tracks and looked into Lucien icy blue eyes but instead of seeing the happiness his eyes held she only saw heartbreak and anger well the anger was always there seeing as he was born with I.E.D " no you're gonna think I'm a daddy's girl" Lucien ended up laughing hearing that and said " why would I think that we've known each other since we were kids so come on tell me " Josie started thinking about what he said and he was right any time that she would cry he was always there for if he wasn't with hope most of the time " it's just every boy goes after Lizzie and every time she boasts about it in front of me like I didn't care at all " Josie started to tear up after saying this and Lucien saw this and he never wants to see Josie crying and he did the one thing he could do that was hug her " hey hey look if all those boys go after liz than it's their problem you're a beautiful and cool girl Jo and if any boy can't see that then they can go to hell for all I care " and so after she calmed down they both looked into each others eyes and Lucien could've sworn he saw Josie's glow the same colour as his eyes and just like that time stopped for both of them it was like the world was moving in slow motion as their faces leaned forward towards each other and just like that their lips met in a slow passionate kiss what they didn't noticed was the white wolf that was watching them and so hope seeing this ran away from there feeling heartbroken and in her sight was a mop headed boy who was heading for the backgate and so she gave chase letting her wolf side take over before she realised what she was doing and right when she leaped into the air she transformed back in midair and landed on Landon grabbing Landon's jacket putting it on before he could see her naked " what the hell are you doing out, you know I could've killed you what are you doing out here anways " Landon who was shocked to hear hope's voice looked up and saw her standing over him and thought ' cool ' .

~Timeskip to the library~

Landon can be seen looking around the library and he ends up stumbling upon a knife in a case he started reaching for it but stopped " don't touched that it's dangerous" Landon turned around to see hope walking down the stairs with his jacket in her but what caught his eyes was that she was wearing another jacket looked just like his but alittle bit bigger "do you know what it does" he managed to get the question out while still in his trance " no but that's what makes it dangerous here you go" hope replied to him while handing over his jacket " thanks so you're a werewolf " Landon exclaimed causing hope to laugh the only person to do that was Luci" Yeah but I'm more than that " this caught Landon's attention "what do you mean by that " hope walked around him and went to the bookcase grabbing a specific book that held a connection to her and gave it to him "The great evil Klaus Mikaelson" Landon read out loud " that was my dad he was an original vampire to be specific the original hybrid " Landon Heard how she said was " was?" hope looked at him with sadness in her eyes "turns out immortals can die too" Landon looked at her feeling sorry for asking " sorry for your loss" hope just gave him a nod " anyways my was a hybrid and my grandmother was the original witch" " there's that 'was' again" "turns out the people I love have a tendency of dying on me, anyways all that combined which results in me being a -" Landon cut her off by saying " unicorn" hope just laughed at that " no it resulted in me being a tribrid just like Lucien except he's different Landon started wondering whys he different hope sensing his confusion cleared his confusion " instead of being part witch like me his actually something else he's part hellhound part zeta werewolf and a corvinus vampire " Landon could only think that was one scary combination and so hope led landon back to the cellars and right before she could leave " so when the vervain leaves my system what happens " hope looked at him with sadness in her eyes" we're going to make you forget everything that happened today " and so landon thought about something ' ehh fuck it ' and so he walked forward and kissed her hoping she won't Push away and to his surprise she didn't Push him away she actually kissed him back back like earlier before Lucien was looking at them shocked at what he was seeing and when they stopped kissing hope felt someone staring at them and turned around and saw Lucien standing there with his eyes glowing that icy blue colour and then he just turned around and left be continued........