Chapter 07

Dr. Abstract,


Please, accept the small amount we can give you as the way of our gratitude and appreciation for taking care of our prince, Storm.



Please, don't give it back. Use it for yourself and your family.


Thank you.


Mr. and Mrs. Casper


Wow! Small amount… okay, they were the ones who said it… I'll accept it then. I put it in my wallet and thinking of what can I do to treat my family for tomorrow, maybe lunch and dinner outside, a good full body massage will be great too. I picked another gift from the box and I saw it was from Flood, his gift is quite big. "What is this?" I found a note that was attached to the box.


Dr. Rackie,


You have to use this.




Whoa! Even his note is demanding. I was surprised when I finally saw what his gift was. It was the laptop that I've been dreaming for which is now mine instantly. "In fairness… he's good at giving gifts." I comment. I remember the gift of Windy, a small box that seems like a box of phones but quite smaller than that.


Dr. Rackie,


Congratulations on passing the board exam.





I was a bit stunned when I saw it was a small watch phone. "Are they wasting money?" I questioned unexpectedly. I put the watch on the bed and get another gift from the box. My eyes noticed the name Director Art from a gift so I get it and open. A pair of shoes, I can't help but smile. "He knew my taste on shoes." I whispered. A pair of white high-cut shoes. "I guess, the shoes that I like are too obvious…" I stood up to put the shoes on the shoe rack. I lie down on my stomach on the bed and get another gift. It was from Lunar, there's no note but I saw that a box full of lipstick. "Seven colors for each day through the whole week?" I chuckled when I saw the arrangement of the lipstick, from light to dark colors. I sat down and opened the near cabinet; I put the watch on Lunar's gift. I crawl back to my bed and just grab a gift it was from Master.


Rackie the top three, congrats! - Master


I'm stunned, it was the latest Microsoft phone from Nokia. "Expensive!"I complain but I have a smile on my lips. I put it beside the watch. It's a small box that I got and when I open it… I was surprised, it's a car key.


Rackie the Racer


You said before that you like to have a vintage car that has a modern design, so I'm making it come true. Just go to the shop to claim it when you have time. Congratulations!"




I was touched. "Oh, Wisdom…" I whisper. I put it on the bed and I got a card.




Congratulations! I know you work hard for it. You deserve a break!



Paint says that her gift is in your studio.


Your eldest sister, Hue


I smile, Hue never failed to send a card. I stood up and immediately went to the studio. I was amazed by what I've seen, I saw canvas which I can't count. I saw two boxes that were on the table near the small canvas.






Tatay & Mama


I am so excited to open it and what made me so touched was I saw a camera that I've been saving for to buy, I open the other box and I saw the different kinds of lenses for the camera. The overwhelming feeling makes my heart rejoice. I brought the box that has a lens and went inside my room, I noticed the box near my bed, I thought the box was empty.




You made us proud. Congratulations!




I looked at the note. I open it and saw a Polaroid and boxes of films. He knew that I like to take pictures. "You still know how to make me speechless…" I whisper. I put the wrap papers in the trash, I keep the gifts I receive and arrange them to places in my room then I took some pictures of each then send a personal message to them with the picture I took.


'I know you will love it.' Master replied. I didn't reply to his message, I don't want him to think that everything is okay and I'm okay with what he did however I can't change what happened. I admit it, I also have a part of why it happened. I was careless and I forgot that he is a man and I forgot that he isn't always in control. I was startled when I heard the weird ringtone and the funny thing here; I was the one who set that ringtone for me to know that the caller is Radiance.


I inhale first before answering his call. "I knew you'll love it, babe!" he said with full of excitement without me saying hello on the line.


"Yeah, I also like the color too." I answered bluntly. "Hey!" I yelled when I heard his chuckles. "Do you think I forgot what you did? If you don't have anything important to say don't call me." I said with annoyance.


"Irate? Do you have a visitor today?"


"None of your business!" I irritably replied. I know what he meant about the word visitor, which was his term whenever I'm having my menstrual period. "Now, if you don't have anything to say then goodbye."


"Wait! Babe, you're my stress reliever here then you'll just ignore me."


"Stop wasting each other's time." I replied.

"Oh, come on babe…"


"Radiance Wilton!" I warned.


"Yes, babe?" I can see what was his expression and I'm sure he's acting cute.


"Dr. Radiance 'Red' Wilton, act like a CEO!"


He laughs. "Oh, she's now angry..." he comments. "I just miss you."


"I don't miss you, Red. We're done years ago and we will never ever going back together."


He inhales and a long exhale is heard from the line. "I was a jerk before, I know and I really regret it. I'm hoping that you'll give me a ch—" he was interrupted. 'Dr. Red, the VVIP patient room 02 is looking for you.' Someone said to him. 'Hmm… I'll go there.' He replied seriously. "I'll end this call, a patient is waiting for me, later."


"There's no later." I replied then I heard him laugh before the line cuts.


My phone rang again because of the notifications I received from one of the social media. The notifications kept on coming. The door of my room opens while I was typing my special character for Cataclysm. The light spread out to the entire place, I looked behind me to see my mother who switched on the light.


"Why didn't you turn on the light?" she asks. "And why are you in the corner?"


I looked again at the screen of my laptop. "Ma, I can think better when I'm in the corner and when it's dark." I replied. "What's the matter?" I ask.

"Hue said that I'll get the payment for the connection."