Special Chapter 08 Lunar Nguyen Part 1

I was shocked when the CEO enters the Radiology Department and introduced a girl with skin a porcelain-like from whiteness. To be honest, it seems to be fragile to touch, or else she might break into pieces. I was lost from what I'm thinking I didn't realize that they left already.

"It seems that intern is really good." I heard from our department head. We look at our department head. "I heard that they pulled her from her internship in a public hospital."


They are still talking when I left, I need to go to my corner, and I need to review the CT scan records, X-rays, and other results. I was just sitting when the door opened and popped in the intern who has skin looks fragile.


"Hi!" she greets then looks at my lab pocket where our nameplate is placed. She pouted when she didn't find what she was looking for. "May I know your name?" she asks. I looked at her then I started to type to the monitor I'd asked for from the hospital. She was just looking at me so I pointed to the screen near her head that's customized for me. She nods. "Lunar." She whispers. "They said that I have to come here to see Storm's X-rays result."


I don't know if her voice is just soft and low in volume, she's shy or I'm beginning to be deaf. I stand up and get Storm's X-ray files. I gave it to her so she'll just look for the thing she's looking for. I was taken aback when she smiled at me, I wasn't prepared for that. I sat again and look for the things I have to.


"By the way, can I use this?" she asked where she was talking about the viewer so she could see the X-ray films. I just nod, I notice that she was having trouble placing the film she was holding so I stood up to help her and since I don't talk, I carried her.


I was stunned because I didn't expect that she was a bit heavy for a body built like a Barbie doll. She was shocked by what I did but she didn't say anything.


"It's okay, thank you." She said.


I slowly put her down. "Sorry." I apologized because it was a bit awkward then I went back to my place and sat down.


"Eh? You're talking? I thought you were mute." She said while looking at the X-ray but it seems like she doesn't understand a thing. "Lunz, do we have a soft copy for this?"


"Hmm!" I replied.


"Can you look for me, please…" she asks.


I looked at the date on the X-ray film and then find it on the monitor. "Here," I said then went back to where I sat.


She looks at the monitor. "This X-ray was just a week, right?"      


I glanced at the monitor for a while. "Yup."


"Why it's like this? Last week's result was okay but yesterday's result isn't?" she asks.




"Is it because he doesn't have exercise?" she asks again.




"How about therapy?"


"Might help."


"What kind of therapy?"




She hit the table in front of the monitor then turn her back, slides down, sat on the floor, kicked several times, and ruined her hair. I was shocked at what she did so I stood up. I looked at the door since there's a window there if they will see us right now they will think that I've done something to her so before I get in trouble, I need to go out of here but to my dismay, she pulled my lab gown.


"Wait, we aren't done yet," she said then stood up and comb her hair. "Go back to where you sit." She commands.


I'm a bit frightened so I went back to where I'm sitting. I'm looking at her right now, she scratches her head. "Is it a therapist that's needed or just exercise?" she asks.


"Why don't you ask his Cardiologist and Orthopedist what activities he can and can't do?" I suggested. I'm a bit terrified because she might transform and I don't have the chance to run.


"You're right!" she said then left which made me breathe in relief but she came back. "Stay there, I'll be back, okay?" she said then left.


She went back with Dr. Air. "Who's that Orthopedic?" she asks with annoyance all over her face. Dr. Air shrugged. "Special?" she said that was so obvious in her tone that she said it with sarcasm. We didn't answer her. "Who has his number?" she asks.



Dr. Air and I shook our heads. "I can ask Dr. Red if you need it." Dr. Air said.


She thinks for a while. "I'll be the one to ask his number that feeling VIP doctor." She said. "Is she or he?"


"He." We replied.


She make face. "Young? Middle-aged? Senior?"


"Same age as us." Dr. Air replied.


She clicked her tongue. "Same age as us is stubborn nowadays." She comments then closes her eyes for a while. "What? It's true! I know because I am too." She said.


Dr. Air and I sigh. "His name is Dr. Allie."


I was shocked when I saw that she was shocked hearing her name. "Hoping not him…" she whispered.


To be honest, I just saw that doctor once in the whole year I'm working here. I don't even remember his look but he's also one of the quiet types of people.


"Dr. Air, why can't he have simple exercises?" she said wherein made me come back to reality.


"Ask his Neurologist Rackie, so you'll know his condition in that area as for his heart condition so far he can't have simple exercises right now. His heart won't take it." Dr. Air explains.


"Who is his Neurologist?" she asked not even concealing her annoyance.


Oh, her name is Rackie… she didn't introduce herself earlier.


"No need for you to call me." Dr. Red said when he arrived. "Storm's brain condition isn't stable. He might be okay right now than later not. So, if you think exercise can correct his bone structures then I suggest thinking twice because this isn't a simple condition for that kid." He said.


"I see..." she said. "Do you have this Dr. Allie's phone number?" she asked Dr. Red.


"Yes, what's your phone number? I'll send it later I still have something to do."