Special Chapter 17 Wit Go Part 2

We heard some noise from the door that's why we turn to look. We saw Wise who was staring blankly and doesn't have much strength to support himself.


"If you don't want to come home like that, stay away from any of them." Wisdom whispered to me. "Wise, how's it?"


"Fine, so tiring!" Wise replied as if his spirit is out of his body.


"What happened to you?" I asked.

Wise glared at me fiercely so I turn to look at Wisdom. "Wrong question." He mouthed.


"Don't tell me you run the same path with her?"


"That girl is terrifying! So aggressive!" he replied annoyingly.


They look at me. "We're telling you, stay away from them!" they said simultaneously then went to their respective rooms. What's to be afraid of to the Archangel sisters? I shrugged and then watched TV.


I can't help but wonder where did Wise went. Wisdom said that he went out of the country on a business trip. I admit that Wise is good in that field, he's our spokesperson in our family business even though he was the quietest and most shy type of person among the three of us. While Wisdom is good when talking about budget and money, if Wise is good at closing deals, Wisdom is good for sales. Me? I don't know but they are proud whenever I can sell.


The moment our parents died, my brothers were the ones who shoulder the business dad left. I never saw them cry after the death of our parents, they are so composed but when it comes to sis-in-law Rackie, it's so obvious in their expressions. I saw with my own eyes how they cried when she got into the accident during her last race. We even bother the Archangels even though Wisdom doesn't want to work with them yet he did for Rackie. While Wise made himself busy from teaching because he was avoiding Zechariah, aside from he has feelings for Rackie's sister, Paint; it seems that he had a bad experience with Riah. What did Riah do to Wise?


"Wit, your phone is ringing like crazy. If you don't want to answer it, don't just ignore it!" Wise irritably shouts from the toilet.


I stood up from lying down on the sofa, then I saw 29 missed calls from Sia.


"Finally, you answered!" she said.


"Why? What's wrong?" I ask.


"I'm outside your house." She replied.


"Who's that?" asked Wise who just came out from the toilet who took a bath.


'Sia' I whispered then pointed to the door.


"Ask Wisdom about it." He replied then go into his room.

"Wait a little more, Sia. I'll ask my brother if you can go inside. The policy is policy, rules are rules." I said then tapped the hold button.


I run down the stairs and knock on Wisdom's room. "What?" he asks.


"Bro, Sia is outside our house, can she come in?" I asked.


"For what reason?" he shortly replied then I went into his room, I shook my head as a reply and then gave him the phone. "Sia, sorry you can't enter a beasts' den." He said on the line.


"Can I go inside? I don't want to go home." I heard Sia plead on the line.


"Look Ephesians Archangel, we are all men here and I don't want to have any issue with your family again." Wisdom replied. He took out his phone and then called someone. "Tim, oh sorry! Why do you have Tim's phone, Levi? Anyway, your younger sister Ephesians is outside our house saying she doesn't want to come home." He said. "No, I won't. She's safe outside." He said. 'Besides, we're safe if she's outside.' He whispered then put my phone on his ear again. "Stay there, I'll go outside."

I was stunned at what Wisdom did, I stand straight when he looked at me. "You, stay here." He commands. "Wise, I'm going out, look after Wit. If I saw him behind me, you're dead!" he warns then went outside.


I saw Wit sitting down on the stairs with his legs stretched out on the way while reading a book. I sat next to Wise. "What's going on?" I ask.


"It'll be dangerous for us if we let one of the Archangel come in here in the middle of the night." He replied.




"I'll let you know when Wisdom isn't around. I'll be dead." He said while still reading.


"Okay, just tell him to give me back my phone; he can leave it near the TV. I'll go and sleep." I said. "Also, turn off the TV for me, sorry." Then I went inside my room. I just shook my head, are Archangel Sisters that dangerous to make my brothers so cautious.


After I went down the stairs, I saw them who were all dressed up. "What's up?" I asked.


"Take a bath, we'll be going to church." Wisdom seriously said.


I looked at Wise and he just nod at me. Oh, yes! It's the death anniversary of our parents. How could I forget?


"Ma, it seems like your one son will be married." Wisdom said in front of our parent's tomb.


Wise and I turn to look at him. "You're going to get married?" we ask.


"Not me. It's Satirical. Isn't it, he's one of the sons of our mother?" Wisdom joked on.


We nod while smiling. I still remember how our mom serves bro Santi more than us her flesh and blood whenever bro Santi is in our house.


"Ma, Timmy was able to compel him that's why he'll get the marriage right away," Wise said while laughing. "As for us bro Wisdy, we're not going to give up the Bataan easily." He joked on. He received a knock on the head from Wisdom. "That hurts! Ma, oh…" he said in front of the tomb feeling wronged.


"Calling me Wisdy, hmm? Ma, your Wissy gave up the Bataan so maybe in just a few months we'll be back to let you know that he'll also marry someone." Wisdom said.


I laughed. "Bataan…" I commented.


They looked at me. "Ma, Dad, it wasn't your Wissy who will be married soon, it might be your Witty son who's willing to give his Bataan like your Santi," Wise said.


"Why me?" I asked.


"Because you're so head-over-heels with Ephesians Archangel!" they replied.


"Ma, Dad… I feel wrong."


"What? It's true!" Wise said.


"Stay away from Sia, that girl is wild. She's wilder than her sisters." Wisdom said seriously.


I can only shake my head. "Mama and Daddy can't protect me from the both of you but I know sis-in-law Rackie can!"


Their jaw drops when they heard her name. "You, don't include Rackie here!" Wisdom warns.


"Whoa! Why include Rackie?" Wise commented.


I smiled. "She said she'll come here. Mama knew her, right?"