Special Chapter 23 Sapience Go Part 2

"I can't think of any reason. If I said it wasn't healthy for our relationship… she'll surely say to me, let's work this out or I'm not going to do whatever I'm doing, just don't break up with me. Glim, I don't want to hear her say those lines because it's already painful to see her she's just obeying me." I explained without looking at her then wipe my tears off. "Sorry, Glim."


She took a deep breath. "It's okay, Saps even if I want to be with my ex-boyfriend." She sarcastically said.


I sit up straight and then look at her. "Sorry, I didn't know."                               


She sat on the sofa. "It's fine, it didn't work the way I want it to be." She said while staring at the soft drinks.


"I see but still, I'm sorry," I said apologetically.


"Don't say sorry to me, apologize to Levi." She said. "Besides, are you sure about your decision? To let her go?"


I nod. "This is for the best. If we are for each other, then our paths will meet again."


"You're out of your mind! Your paths will meet again because there's Wisdom between the two of you."

"I don't usually meet Wisdom so we won't meet in the meantime."


"Okay, that's what you said," she commented. "By the way, isn't it Wisdom is older than us?" she suddenly asks.


"Yes, he's the same age as your ex," I replied. "Why do you like older men?" I asked.


"Sapience, behave! If you don't want me to tell Levi the real reason why you did break up with her..." She warns.                               


"Go ahead so she'll go after me and fight with me," I said carelessly then drink soft drinks.*


"Hey!" Cloud said to me that made me go back to reality. "You think too much. Who are you thinking, is it Levi or Glimmer?"


"Rackie." I shortly replied.


He turns to look at the door and then looks at his wife, Shine who's sleeping. "Don't say her name here." Cloud whispers.


I shook my head. Up until now, Shine can't move on from what the past has been gone, she still blames herself for Rackie and Red's break up. "Sorry, I saw her at the bank earlier."


"Until now, you still have feelings for her?" Cloud asked.


I shake my head. Within our circle, I can only talk to Cloud about many things. Those two doctors are both busy with their careers besides I don't want to be admitted to the same hospital where they work or I don't want to be lying in the coffin. "I was stunned by what her bank account has but that's not the point."


"Then, what?" he curiously asked.


"She got thinner than before, bro. She looks like she's sick. Yes, her curves are obvious but her body build got thinned drastically.


"Maybe she's on a diet." He said while looking at his phone.


"Diet? I don't think so."


"Why do you care so much about her?"


I took a deep breath. "She's like a family to us. I told my mother about her and my mom said that it seems she hasn't eaten properly because of her job. Mom knew that she's working as a doctor." I said. "One more thing, from the day she worked with my cousins, she's not others to the Go clan."




"She was the one who organized everything about the death of my aunt and uncle because each one of us was mourning that day but before that; she is a part of the family. She brought the glory of our family to the field of the car race. She was just an amateur that time but she won against all the professional racers which Red doesn't know."


Cloud suddenly stared at me from being playing with his phone. "Wow!"


I nod. "I'll go now, I'll look for Levi."


"Wait, why?" he asked. "You and Glimmer are together, right? Why are you going to look for Levi?"


"I just want to see her, I know it's been years since we broke up but still… it's her."


"Then, why don't you just go win her back instead of making Glimmer wait for you."


I just smile as a reply and then left. I sigh. If only they knew that Glimmer and I aren't together, for sure I will receive a knock on the back of my head because I'm a coward. I look at my phone because it vibrates. I crook my forehead after seeing a phone number that is calling me. "Hello?"


"Yo, Sapie! You told me to message you but I had a free call so I used it for it'll be wasted if I didn't. Just want to say hi and save my phone number." That's it and then she hung up. I blinked a few more times before I realized who called me. I remember that I told Rackie to message me a few weeks ago and it was just today that I receive her message. I just smile and add her number through my contacts.


I'm inside the car while looking at Levi afar, I may look like a stalker, fine… I'm a stalker if that's what I can do to see Levi in her store that she built near Wisdom's shop and house. I just can't help myself but look at her even if it's from afar. She is a sweet tooth person, I'm worried that she might end up having diabetes from eating too many sweets. It seems like she was reaching her dream, I think she also learned how to bake that's why she build a pastry business and she did my request by building it here because there are many people here. I'm sure that her business will grow also this place have a nice view and girls will see free buns from my cousins who are working in their shop.


*"Why near the car shop?" Levi asked.


"Because it has a relaxing view and girls can freely count some buns from my cousins' body."


She pinched my arm. "As if it's enjoyable to count that!" she replied. "And why do you say that? You don't have buns on your body..." she teased.


I laughed at her. "Hmm… if you build your pastry business near that place, one time I'll work with my cousins and you'll get tired from counting with my buns."*


I can't help but smile from that memory, when I noticed that she's looking in my direction, I drive off, or else she might find out that I'm still looking at her. I'm just happy that she's able to reach what she wants and I'm glad that she stood that her pastry business there even though I'm a bit curious why did she still consider my suggestion.