Special Chapter 25 Dallience Sullen Part 2

"Are you sure you know how to drive?" I ask because we are slow and her hand on the wheel is shaking. "Oh! Aki, look at the road!"


She stopped the car and laughed. "Now, you feel what I felt earlier when you're daydreaming!" she said. "Now, it's time to drive normal." I made myself ready, her driving skills aren't that good however I was surprised when she drive like a pro. "Where do you want to go?" she asked.


"Can I visit your house? I miss Mama."


"Okay but the thing is I can't entertain you. I want to sleep."


I smiled. "Then, let's sleep together like the old times."


"Go ahead and for sure, my father will kill you."


"What?! We'll just sleep like when we were kids."

She sighs. "It's different now."


"There's a difference between let's sleep together like the old times and come sleep with me," I said.


"I know but the thing is we're not kids anymore and our parents won't think of any malicious things today unlike before."


"I do understand but you got my point right?"

"Yeah, I got it," she said.


We arrived at their house and her family welcomes me. How can't they? Their father is one of my godparents.


"Ma, Aki is getting skinny. What's wrong?" I ask her mother.

"She's so busy that she's not able to eat her dinner every night." her mother answered.


I looked at her and took some time to glance all over her whole. She got skinny though she still looks sexy and beautiful it's not getting healthy. "Do you go to the gym, Aki?" I asked her.


"No," she answered then scratched her tummy.


I was stunned when I saw her tummy. "You sure, you don't?" I asked with curiosity.


"Yes, why?"


"You have abs. What more if you're going to the gym?"


"I'm not interested. I'll just plank here, do the skipping rope," she said while combing her hair. "Ma, can I go to the barbershop and make myself bald?" she asked with a mischievous smile.


"Go ahead but never go back home." her mother, answered.


I laughed. She's really into the bald thing. She glared at me. I clicked my tongue she can't stop scratching her back. "Can you stop scratching your back? Your tummy is getting exposed!" Oh, yeah! I'm conservative when it comes to Wrightwood Sisters and this girl doesn't know how to listen.


"Ma, can you look at my back? I think there is hair fall that stocked on my back," she asked her mother.


I saw Mama was doing something so I pulled her closer to look and see her back. "There are no hair falls at your back; you are just scratching for nothing," I said.


"But I can feel it."


"Aki—" stopped when I saw some strands of hair stocked under the undergarment. "Uhm, uh... I see some hair fall."


She clicked her tongue. "What are you waiting for? Get rid of that hair fall so I can stop scratching!" she said in an irritable voice.


"Okay, okay!" I said while picking out the hair falling on her under undergarment. Sigh! Why did I have to volunteer when all I can do is to ignore her. "Done," I said and pull down her shirt. "Next time, don't scratch like that and most of all don't let a man pick your hair fall that stocked on your back, especially when if it's under your undergarment. Is that clear?"

She looked at me with a boring look. "Yes big brother," she said sarcastically.


"Allie, if you're not busy, eat dinner with us," Mama says with a smile on her lips.


"I would love to," I said excitedly. Oh, how I miss Mama's cooking.


"Ma, I won't be eating dinner, and don't expect me to come home tomorrow," she said.


I looked at her but she just ignored me. "I thought we can sleep together," I said with a frown on my face but a joking tone.


She chuckled. "In your dreams." then went upstairs.


The next time I knew was she was on her way out. "Ma, I got to go."


Mama just nodded at her. Now I'm confused. Where would she go? Her shift at the hospital is done. Wait! Don't tell me she's having a cram school or something, now that our paths cross once again? I don't know anything about her; I need to research her but how? Will I ask her family? Will I hire an investigator? Alternatively, will I ask her directly?


A few hours have passed and Hue and Paint came home. They were stunned yet they are happy seeing me while I saw Dad, their father looked at me intently. I stood up and walked toward him. "Dad, do you remember me?" I asked and there his face lightened up and smile as he recognized who am I. He hugged me. Oh, how I miss this family.


*"Dad, please don't pass all your frustration to me because my brother disobeys you." I said.


He sighs. "You have to be a doctor, Dallie. Our family runs a hospital, we are all doctors in our family so you should be." I looked at Mom; she looked at me and shook her head asking me not to say what was on my mind. I look at her asking for help but she just looks away. "Dallie, are you listening?" he asked. I just nod as an answer. "What did I say?"


I look away so he won't see my eyes. "After my pre-med, I'll take a specialization wherein our family doesn't have yet."*


I heard some knock-on Aki's bedroom because I went inside without permission. I'm laying on her bed looking at the ceiling that has a lot of art. I envy her for having a supportive family.


"Allie, are you going to sleep here?" Paint asks.


I sat down on the bed. "Sorry, it's not my intention to stay longer," I said. "I'll still go home."


"Uh, Mama says that it's okay to stay. You can stay here 'til morning." Paint says. She points to the closet. "My sister has a man's clothes over there that you can use tomorrow."


"Is that okay?" I worriedly asked.


"We already asked Rackie, you can use her room as well," she said and left.


I see... Oh, I know why did she leave. Now, I'm worried about where did she go.