Special Chapter 39 Hue Wrighthood

Ackie is always not around in the house, she's so busy for an unknown reason. She'll come home to get some clothes then sleep for one day then she'll go again. I'm annoyed that she's doing whatever she wants and doesn't care about mom.


"You're here. Did you eat?" mom asks.


"Not yet," I replied.


"Paint said we'll go out." mom informed.


"And Ackie?"


"She's in the hospital. You know that sister of yours… we aren't able to eat with her but she said next time."


Of course, mom is covering her up. "I'll just change, Ma," I said as an excuse but in fact, I'll call Ackie.


"Hey!" she said as an answer on the line.


"Don't hey me! Where are you?" I ask. I can hear shouting in the background.


"Hmm? No, just tidy up his bed." I heard her instructing someone. "Uh, Hue sorry I need to go. If it's about the dinner tonight, I can't come, I already informed mama." She said then ends the call.


After she left Allie in the house, she didn't come back home and what we'll find out is she's missing. What's more frustrating about her disappearance is we don't know if it's kidnapped and she's with the man named Wolframite or what. No one knew where she is.


"Paint, who's laughing?" I ask.


"Mama. She's talking with Master in the kitchen while teaching him how to cook." She replied.




"Where will I put this?" this guy popped out from the door.


"Just put it there," I replied.


"Oh, Wisdom you were able to send Uee home," Master said.


"Yes, for precautions." He replied. There's this Master who always stays in the house, Wise who fetches Paint back and forth while Wisdom fetches me back and forth and we have two bodyguards in the house. Is this for real? Is Abstract a VIP for us to have this kind of situation in the house and in our lives?


*"Hue, thank you for the gift you gave me. I like it!" she said happily in my room.


"At least you liked it," I replied with a smile.


She chuckles. "You are the best! You know what I like!" she said then winked at me.


"Clean your studio, it's messy!" I said.


"When I'm not busy in the hospital, I'll clean it. One of our VIP patients is demanding and we have to prioritize his condition." She said.


"Is that the reason you study again because of that patient?"


"Yes." She replied. "How about you, are you going to study again?" she asked.


"When you finally can go home properly..."


"That's impossible. Go and study again, I'll handle the tuition."


"How? You and Paint were paying the bills here in the house, right?"


"I can talk to Paint about it, she'll be a soloist when paying the water, electric, and connection bills until you finish."


"How about the payment of the house?..."


"Hue, I'm able to pay for it and if you're thinking about the foods, I'll shoulder it so you can study again. Well, I'll have a salary increase so it'll be okay. You don't need to worry. Be a full-time student, Paint and I can manage the bills."*


"You're here, Hue. Wisdom you still have eaten with us." Mom said.


"Oh, Wit won't have someone to eat with him if I eat here."


"I ask Master to message your brothers so they'll have to eat with us." Mom said while Paint and I made to look at each other.


I noticed that Master and Wisdom were talking in their eyes. As if Wisdom is giving Master a warning look.


"I don't have a choice." I heard Master whisper to Wisdom.


"You'll be dead to Rackie if she found this out." Wisdom whispered back.


Master clicked his tongue. "Whatever." He whispers.


When finally the people we were waiting for arrived, we ate with our father. Ackie may be missing but she was replaced with many guys here.


"Sleep here, Master." father said.


We all looked at him. "Pardon?" Master asks in disbelief.


"Sleep here, Master." father said again.


Master looked at Paint and me. "I still have work to finish today." He said as an excuse.


"Next time bring your things here." Mom said.


Master panicked a bit. "Uhm… uh…" he said. "It'll look like I'll live here if I'll bring my things here."


"Uh, Auntie… did you know that Rackie also knows how to cook?" Wisdom suddenly asked. "Right, Wissy, Witty?"


"Yes, she was the one who cooks for us when our parents died," Wise said.


"The food she cooked is delicious, like you." Wit commented.

Our dinner ended happily. It's been years now since Abstract went missing and thankfully mom was able to be able to cope with it and she's not locking herself inside Ackie's room and now, she always cleans and tidies Ackie's room and studio.


"Rackie come back." The Go brothers said simultaneously.


"I'll be back when I'm not busy with work; I have a lot of things to do," Master said he's avoiding my parents' suggestion.


Will Ackie be able to come home? How is she? Is she okay? If she'll come back, I'll accept her offer, I'll go study again so that she'll stay here in the house, she'll be one the who'll go to the grocery and she won't have any choice to give the budget for food that can be bought in the market. "Where are you, Ackie?" I whispered. "It's been two years since you've gone missing," I said in the air. "You're story Cataclysm is good. Do you know that the publishing company that you are working with is helping to find you too? You are set to have a book signing." I said while looking at our picture that was hung on the wall. "Just call saying that you're okay, just to know that you are safe and you'll be back soon. We miss you."