Special Chapter 42 Leviticus Archangel

Honestly, I'm not comfortable after Wisdom left me and now eating alone but I didn't give a fuss. I didn't expect to see my ex-boyfriend Sapi. I named him that way not only because of his nickname Sapie but also because he seems to be always possessed by something whenever he looks at me. Sapi is a Filipino word, which means possessed. I noticed that he kept on glancing at my place, how did I know? My peripheral view, which is also my radar that's why I know and his move and glance are noticeable.

*"Is he not here, Wit?" I heard Wisdom asks his brother. Wit shook his head. Wisdom sighs. "I really can't depend on the man! Wise, you should buy now."


"Hi!" I heard the former girl racer of Wisdom. "I do bring some soft drinks," she said. "Hi Levi!" she greeted and asked for a fist-bumped.


"Hello." I greeted back.


"It's just you?" she asks and looks around. I nod. "That's a miracle! Did they let you in?" she surprisingly asked. "I rarely come in this house, if not only for their workers I wouldn't be able to come in just like earlier." She said as she pointed to the door where she went in.


"So talkative, Rackie? Here so you'll keep your mouth busy." Wisdom said and gave her a plate of sliced cake.


"They let me in because it was raining earlier," I said.


"That's good, at least not in his office." She commented. "Wisdy, I won't be staying long, I'll just finish this cake then I'll be going."


I hold her hand. "Are you going home?" I asked.


"Yes, I'll go home. You want me to give you a ride?" I nod. "Okay."


"You're also going home, Levi?" Wise innocently asked.


"Not yet."


Wisdom and Wise looked at each other. "You're not going home, then where are you going?"


"I'll date Rocky."


"Rackie!" they called her. These three young men are really out of their minds.


"I'll join you with your date." Wisdom said with a smile on his face. "Rackie, leave your car here...I'll just send you home later. I'll ask Wise to bring your car to your house tomorrow morning." Rackie just nod.


We finally went to a cafe shop; I suddenly hugged Rocky from her back. I really can't take it, I've been holding my tears for so long.


"Can we go somewhere close?" Rocky asked Wisdom.


"Wait, I'll find a place." Wisdom replied.


After we sat down, I can't control my hiccups anymore. "What happened?" Wisdom asked.


"We broke up." Those were the only words I was able to say and I can't help but cry. "I did everything so that we won't argue, even though I feel the jealousy all over my body, I hold it back so he won't leave me, even though I overly overthink because he's not replying, I acted as if I didn't care." I burst it all out. I don't know if they understand me or not but I don't care anymore. "He said he found a new girl at he proved that he has a new girl and what's worst is... it's his best friend."*


I noticed myself staring blankly ahead. I called one of the crew. "I want to take these out. Thank you."


I panicked a little when I noticed that Sapience is coming toward me again. He sat on the chair where Wisdom is sitting earlier. "Where's your date?" he curiously asks.


I sigh to calm my nerves. Why does my take-out is taking so long? "He has an emergency. The bastard sibling."


He crooked his forehead. "They have a bastard sibling?" he whispers.


"He'll meet Rocky."


His eyes widen. "Rackie?"


"Yes," I replied in monotony then stood up because the crew gave me my take-out.


Now that I'm thinking about it, why did I waste my tears over that man? When I see him my mood changes not because I can't accept the fact that he chose another girl over me but because I can't seem to let him go out of my system.


"Wait!" he said before I was able to get a taxi.




"Uhm... I'll give you a ride."


I pulled my hand from him and pushed him. "I can go home."


"I'm going to send you home."


I got irritated and I wasn't able to stop myself from kicking him. I was startled by what I'd done and thankfully his reflexes didn't fail him, he blocked his arm on his neck. I saw him winced.

"Ouch! The legendary taekwondo girl." He commented. "Thank you for my reflexes or else my neck will break."

"Don't be so pushy!"


"Oh... now I found out that you are frightening when someone is pushy but that's what I'm waiting for from you because when we were together, you never even dare to glare at me, you can't even roll your eyes."


"Oh, so it was my fault that why we broke up? Just because I didn't even roll my eyes at you..."


"We never fought, when I broke up with you I never heard anything from you. Do you know what it feels like to be unworthy for you because you're too kind?"


I looked at him; I'm taken aback when I saw his teary eyes. "My! Don't cry here." I panicked a little and wanted to coax him.


"I'm not going to cry. My eyes are teary but I'm not going to cry here. I'll give you a ride so I'll be sure that you've got home safely."


"I don't want! I don't want to be the reason why that Glimmering broke up with you." I said proudly. Another statement from him that he'll give me a ride, I swear I'm going to punch him.


"Oh, so you believed that Glim and I were together?" he asks in disbelief.


"Of course, I followed you the day you broke up with me and I saw you coming into her house."


"You know what, if you slapped me that moment I will confess that I'm just lying that I chose Glim over you."

"Wow! So it was my fault that you're lying to me before?" I said with my voice a bit raised. "Are you a masochist?"

"No, but this is the real relationship, getting stronger from the tough moments." He said and kissed me.