Chapter 8

After singing the new nursery rhyme song that I taught Lily, River cried over the phone. Master held my hand when he noticed that I panicked so he shook his head saying to let River cry for a moment. Lily was still singing however, she was singing another song that seems to be on her automatic playlist. River has calmed down.

"Rive, you okay now?" Master asks.

"Yes." She replied as she pacifies herself. "Thank you, thank you for making Lily feels like has a whole family by singing that nursery rhyme. She never asked but I know whenever we go to a restaurant to eat, she kept on looking at the people with families around the children. Whenever we have those moments, when I see her looking at the table of those who have children with the father around, she looks at our table with a longing look in her eyes. Thank you."

Oh… now, I know why she cried. I didn't ask but just listen to her stories until she notice the time wherein she have to prepare to go back to work. We finally arrive home, however, when we came in, my father is glaring at Master as if he wants to kill him just by looking at him. Master seems to notice so he suddenly hides behind me. Well, he is still afraid of my father after what happened. Lily was in his arms at that moment while Miracle was in the baby carrier that he is also holding.

"Your mother came here messing around, saying that you need to go home." Mother said to him.

"I am sorry for the trouble, Auntie." He apologetically said. "I just send them back here."

"Then, who is that child you are carrying?" the father asks. "Is that your child that your mother told us about?"

Master started to panic. "No, that child is the child of our friend. She is at work right now and won't be able to look after her so we offer her help. She will be staying with me for a moment." I replied then signaled Master to go to my room and put the sleeping children inside the room. He just put all of the stuff we have in the car then went to bid his farewell for a moment with my parents then kissed my forehead then drive away. I wanted to laugh so hard, from how he reacted but I can't, my mother looked at me intently. "I will explain later, I have my session with Hue today."

After my session with Hue, I need to face interrogation with them. Well, I can't escape anyway so all I need to do is to answer with all honesty and from what sources I know. They told me that his mother kept on coming and claiming to not hide their son because he needs to face Marvelous, his ex-girlfriend whom they have a primary school-age child. I told them about what I knew.

"What are you planning to do if the child is his?" Hue asks.

I never get thought of it however now that they are asking me, I am not sure what will I do. "I believe him, the child wasn't his," I said. I don't know where I did get the confidence of saying that out loud yet I do trust him from the way the panicked, it was how he was before whenever he panics. He was just excessively much from the crying, maybe it was his way to get out of his sealed frustrations that I don't know.

"I see. Well, it's your decision but remember there might be possibilities." Hue said.

"I know, if ever it was his child then, why would that girl tell him just now, leave him without a word, and married someone else when she can just tell him before?" My father crooked his forehead. "Besides, if Master is the father, he wouldn't hide it from me from the very beginning. You all witness how he panicked and begged just to marry me; I would doubt if ever he knew that he had a child with his ex-girlfriend, he won't do the same."

"Are you saying that girl was just messing around with his family?" mom asks.

"I don't know. All I know is she is making a scene so that she can win him back. Well, I won't let her do that. She can't take the father of Miracle and Grandeur away from us. If ever they have a child then it's fine, we can just set the schedule of visitation, now if we can settle it within ourselves, we can ask lawyers what actions should we do to have his rights implied as to the father. And, I won't let her do whatever she pleases." I said.

Lily went out of the room and run towards me. "Auntie, Ira, and Adeu stink."

I laughed at the way she gesture at how bad the smell is. "Okay, thank you for looking after them," I said. "Oh, Lily… these are grandpa, grandma, and Auntie Uee. They are my family, you can play with them as well." I said. "I will change the diaper of the twins, please play with Lily for a while."

Lily is a smart kid; she is still a kid however, her viewing of things is higher than her age. She can speak straight, only a few words that are mispronounced yet still understandable. She also follows rules, I can say that her behavior is mature and I highly commend River for raising her daughter well. Lily has her gadget however, I don't encourage her to her gadget often for her age, only when River calls her and when she is listening to nursery rhymes, yes, listening, because we can sing the song together and dance it with the steps we want to which she enjoys. Since my sisters bought books for the twins, I let her borrow those books and teach her how to read along with the twins. Well, Miracle and Grandeur seem to be enjoying the moment with Lily so I guess they love the company of having a big sister.

Nothing is new as the days have passed, Master comes to visit and even brings food until father asks for a meeting between Master, him, and me along with mother. Lily and the twins were sleeping at that moment.

"What are you planning to do if you found out that the child that your ex-girlfriend is talking about is yours?" Mom asks.

Master looks at me; I held his hand and smiled at him. "I will do whatever Rackie wants me to do," he said with confidence.

I mischievously smiled which made my parents smile secretly. "Oh, really? Whatever I want?" I said. "What if I say that you can go with her and just forget about us, will you do that?"

He turns to look at me. "Abstract, I said whatever you want me to do but that is not included. Marvee and I will never get back together." He said. "Besides, I am investigating it already. She claims I am the father for the past few days but she never let me see that child, never wanting to have a DNA test to prove that I am the father or whatsoever. I also contact Charact about this, and he told me that his brother never agreed to the divorce so technically speaking, they aren't divorced yet. I told him if I can talk to his brother so that we can sort things out which are messy right now."

I laughed, and my father and mother laughs as well. We didn't expect him to spill everything without us asking him. This is so Master Meander. "Sorry, we aren't laughing because you are too obvious that you are tensed, we are laughing because you said everything we want to know," I explained. "Do you want help?" I asked. "Well, you know…. We can contact Flood for legal matters, I can also ask Wisdom to contact Wolf since he has experience in investigating, and well, we can ask him to dig deeper into the secret of this ex-girlfriend of yours."

He was thinking deeply. "How did you end up being friends with that man after what he did?" he asks.

"Oh, well… it's not settled yet since the case is still in progress but who am I not to forgive? It was an accident besides, Wolf didn't mean to harm anyone, it's just his way of commanding and saying words are radical that his subordinates are missing what he really meant." I explained. "According to Wisdom, he is still nowhere to be found but he can contact him. Even the Archangel's help in searching for him is way too difficult."

He sighs. "Well, if he can help then I won't say no, however, how much will I pay?"

I looked at him. "Well, you don't need to pay because…"