Chapter 10

Master passes a picture to his mother with his hands shaking. When his mother saw the picture, she sat down in disbelief at whatever she is seeing. What is it that they both have that kind of expression?

"I think you need to go now, Marvee," Master said while looking at his mother.

Marvelous didn't listen to Master instead she tried to talk to Mrs. Meander however the moment Marvelous looked at Mrs. Meander, she was slapped left and right. I didn't see that coming, no one expect that move from Master's mother. No one moved from where we are, Master was shocked that he can't move.

"How can you do that to my son? I trust you after you left him for years but I didn't know that you will do this to him." Mrs. Meander said then throws the picture that Master passed to her earlier.

It was Marvelous with a man that was kissing her while holding her tummy which I think is a baby bump. They look happy in the photo, and I think that picture is a prenatal photo. I look at Master again, he slowly gets the picture and hugs his mother.

"I think this explains why you left me before. I won't ask anymore what happened, it doesn't matter anyway. Just leave or I won't be able to stop my mother from hurting you again." Master said and tried to make his mother sit.

Marvelous left with a dejected look, with her face swollen that I hope she can put on ice when she got home. I went to the kitchen to get water for Mrs. Meander since she needs to calm down. I gave it to Master so he can pass it to his mother. Master passed the envelope to me and the photo he picked up earlier. I just nod and went upstairs so I can go to my room to check on the kids. I called River to let her know that we may come a little late or we will send Lily tomorrow morning since the incident today isn't easy for Master.

"How's Auntie?" River asks.

"I don't know, I left them alone in the living room. Lily and I are playing with the twins." I replied.

"How about you, how are you?" she asks.

"I think I am fine, I am just a bit shocked by the revelation. I believe that she has a reason that she wasn't able to say to Master which is why she left without a word. It is shocking to see that prenatal photo." I replied.

"Can you send it to me?" River said. I am not sure if it's okay but since I told her that was the only picture that was out, I let her see it. "Oh my! This is Glyph Fuero! I can't believe that he can smile sweetly."

I laugh, well… I can't help it when she comments like that. "So, this man in this photo is the brother of Charact, Glyph. Hmm… he's handsome." I commented.

"Well, I agree, he is…" she replied. "I'm just curious, how did they end up together?"

"I also don't know, I am waiting for Master. I don't want to check the envelope without his consent."

"Hmm… yes, at least you can discuss it together." She replied.

I was looking at Lily who was kissing Miracle. "River, I am just curious… what if Lily's…" I stop when Lily looks my way then smiles, I smile back at her. "…you know… I can't say it because she seems listening and she's looking at me right now, suddenly coming back like how Marvelous did to Master. What will you do?"

River laughs. "I won't let him touch my daughter. I am still in touch with him through social media, I kept on sending him pictures and videos of Lily, so technically, he's not missing out on any of Lily's growing journey. This is my way of revenge." she replied.

I smiled. "Really? That's awesome! I like the way you do it. How is he responding?"

"He's looking at it; sometimes he will comment that Lily is growing fast."

"Wow! What if he wants to be part of her life?"

"I will let him, that's his right but I won't let him touch her. What I mean is, I won't let him hug her, pat her head, held her hand, sleep with her."

"What if your daughter touches him?"

"Lily is an exemption, she can do that but not him. I will not let him have alone time with her without me watching."

"Oh…" I said then I saw Master coming towards me. "Hey—"

"I knocked but it seems you didn't hear me, Lily let me in," he said.

"That's not it. How's your mother?" I ask.

"She's fine. My brother fetched her. She wants to thank you for giving her water."

I just nod. "How about you, how are you?"

I glance at Lily who is now lying on the bed while counting her fingers as if she's teaching the twins to count. "Can I hug you?"

I didn't reply, instead, I hug him in reply. His body tensed up from my sudden move but then he relax and rest his head on my shoulder. "Thank you, I really need this. Sorry, I hope I'm not giving you another stress from this issue."

"It's okay, I'm more concern about you since this is the answer to all of the questions you had back then."

"Yes, it is. Can I be honest with you?" he asks again, I just nod in reply. "The pain came back, I'm sorry. It's not that my feelings for her were resurrected or what but I felt the sharp pain in my chest earlier when I saw that picture. That picture was seven years ago, which means when she left me she was pregnant."

"You can cry out the pain as you said to me before," I said.

"Well, I'm envious."

"Oh, it should be you in that picture?" I ask out of curiosity.

"No, I'm envious because we didn't have prenatal photos. I do envy them that they could smile sweetly as a memorandum of the moment that they are expecting a child that is half of both of them. We never had one."

I pushed him away; I thought that he was sulking because he was hurt from the past. "I thought you were about to cry because you felt the pain from her leaving you without a word."

"Why would I? That feeling doesn't exist anymore. I would really cry if you'll leave me." he said.

"To make you feel at ease, I don't even know I am pregnant until I gave birth so don't cry over the prenatal photo you didn't even have."

He smiled. "Let's see what's in here then." He said and sat next to me while his right arm was on my back. He opens the envelope and pulls out the pictures. "Hmm… these are the day of their wedding… the prenatal… oh… look at his, Rackie." He said then stood up and sat on my back, now, I am totally in his arms, him hugging me from the back while we are sitting on the floor in my room. "This is the day left me."

"Master, your moves are leveling up," I commented. "Earlier you were asking for permission, now you are doing whatever comes to your mind," I said.

"Nope, I am just doing what is more convenient for the both of us, besides… I miss this, we always have this kind of position when we sit especially when we look at pictures. I am not making a move or anything; I am just doing what I am doing before."

I look at Lily; she's sleeping on the bed with the twins. "Really?" I ask with a suspicious look.

"Of course, don't tell me you forgot?" he said innocently.

How can I forget, I was the one who always asked him before to sit behind me whenever we look pictures or read together. "Okay," I said. "So, you still remember the date?"

"Not really, I just saw the date on the picture here because it is from the CCTV footage. Counting back, that is exactly seven years ago, right?"

"I don't know; you always do the Math when it comes to numbers."

He laughs softly. "Sorry, by the way… you were on phone earlier, right?"

When he said it like that, I got startled and search for my phone behind me without even thinking. He kept calling my name but I didn't listen and just keep on searching.

"Rackie, calm down first." He said with difficulty.

"No, I need to find my phone, it might be somewhere here," I said as I keep searching for my phone without standing where I sit, just using my hands to search. I didn't notice and didn't mind where my hands are going.

He sighs. "Rackie, I think you have searched for the wrong place," he said. "And you are touching something that you shouldn't touch right now."