Chapter 13

"I am fine; I am more worried because you are bleeding way too much than I am," Master said while caressing me to calm my nerves.

I realized that the few stitches from giving birth were torn and that might be the reason why I bleed too much aside from excessively moving. I look at Ikon to see the confusion all over his face.

"Well, I guess he made a wild guess that the twins are mine." River said as if it wasn't our plan.

"Wait, you mean… those twins aren't yours?" Ikon asks with a smile on his lips.

"Those twins were hers, now… since you made trouble from this couple, you have to compensate and bring them to the hospital right now." River commands.

Master told him to bring us to Heart Medical Center. Red and Art were glaring at me especially at Master when they found out that I am in the hospital and bleeding.

"Hey! We told you that if you two d—" Art was about to nag when raise my hand to stop him.

"It was not like that," I said. I have to stop whatever they are thinking, if it'll be Master… he will just let them think whatever they want to think and receive the sermon of these two. "I fought that man earlier," I said as I look at Ikon. "As to why it is a long story."

"We have the rest of the day to listen," Red said with a serious expression.

"We don't have the strength to tell you right now," I said. Although I only what three stitches again, since it is a fresh wound, I don't think I have the strength to tell them. Master also had his check-up since I insist to have him get a thorough check-up on his head because he accidentally hit his head.

"Do they need to be admitted?" Ikon suddenly asks.

Red look at him like how he looks at his patients when he is not in the mood to mess up with them. "Not really, they just need rest. Also, Master needs to have a follow-up check-up so we can assure that there is nothing wrong." He replied coldly.

While we were driving back to River's house, Master was holding my hand and caressing it as if he is trying to comfort me. "Why did you come back?" he asks.

"I just flew back with Glyph for some important business," Ikon replied.

"Oh, then I believe that business involves Marvelous, right?"

He nods. "His wife runs away from home."

"Well, he really should follow her and convince her to come home with him because that woman is giving trouble to my family and my fiancé," Master said.

"We know, his brother Charact told us." He replied. "The hotel we stay in was near River's house so when she sent me that picture, I immediately comes to ask her but she wasn't answering."

"Hmm… so you assume things out," Master said.

"Who would not? She said something like big sister Lily is taking care of the twins."

I want to laugh aloud; River is witty for sending that message. "That serves you right, stupid fool," Master said. I turn to look at Master because I was stunned by what he said. this is the first time I heard him use those words. "You don't have the right to interfere with whatever she wants with her life. If she finds someone willing to love Lily as his daughter then that is much better than someone who abandons and leaves them."

"I don't have a choice that time," Ikon said.

"You always have a choice to man up," Master said.

"It's complicated, I told River my reason but it seems like she didn't understand the circumstances."

"Then, tell me what makes it complicated that you leave them?" Master commanded.

"River's family and my family... let's just say like Romeo and Juliet." He said. "We all know that River was an orphan however, I search for her family without her knowing, and there I found out that her family is my family's long-time competitor in the business world. She was kidnapped when she was younger and they were looking for her for so long. I don't know if they found her and reached out to her already. His father didn't allow me to have her hand also my father found out about her family background, not as an orphan but as the daughter of our business competitor so he didn't approve of the marriage.

"I told River to wait for me to fix what needs to be fixed but she didn't listen. Oh, it's understandable. My family wants to get full custody of Lily but I didn't allow them, I can't let them do whatever they want to River, I already broke her into pieces the moment I told her I couldn't stay with them for the time being and I don't know when will I be able to reunite with them. I am still working hard to have his family's favor.

"I have been giving my part as the father of Lily for the past years but River kept on giving it back saying she's not giving me the right to be a father to Lily. I understand that she's still mad at me and making me yearn for them by sending me those pictures. The moment I went to Singapore, she started updating me about her pregnancy with Lily. You don't know how much torture it is to be not with them. I have to sacrifice not to hold them so the whole thing won't be messy as it is for the past years." Ikon explained.

"What kind of mess are you referring to?" I suddenly ask.

"The Decorum family is a known family in the business world, they are more powerful than we are." Ikon said, "They can devour our business will lead to worsening my grandfather's heart disease."

Wait! Decorum… I heard that name before. I just don't know where and who I know of. Whoa! "Did you say Decorum?" I ask again. Ikon nods. "I know someone whose surname is Decorum," I said. "Should we help him?" I ask Master.

He smiled at me. "Let us ask River first," Master replied.

"I told River about her family but she said she won't be with them unless they will go and talk to her." Ikon suddenly said. "However, my last news about her family was her father died after a few months I last talked to him. I don't know if he reached out to his daughter River before he died."

"There's the only way to find out," I said. I looked at Master with a smile and he just nod to me.

"Just send us to River's house then go back to your hotel," Master said coldly.

"Wait, what? Didn't you say you'll help me?" Ikon said as if he was about to cry.

"We never said we'll help you, but give me your phone number so I could contact you just in case we made a progress about this issue. Now that I know you didn't leave her because you were a coward but because you want to make things right, I also have to make sure that River will not be hurt this time. We will talk to her about this; just don't expect me to side with you right away. River and Lily are still our priority here and I won't care about anything else." Master said. "Now, stop the car here, we'll get off." He commanded. I'm surprised that he has this side as well. Don't come in and see River again without letting us know." Master warned him.

After we get off his car, he drives away. "Why do I feel like he is afraid of you?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Well, it's a long story but to summarize it… the moment I knew that he left River without listening to River's plead before I went to his condominium unit and punched him hard that Glyph and Charact sent him to the hospital." He said then averted his eyes so he couldn't look at me. I blinked a few times; I can't believe that he can do such a thing like that. "By the way, what do you mean by you know someone who has that last name?"

"Well, Red and Art's mother has the name, Mrs. Sheen Decorum-Wilton. However, as you said, we need to know if River wants to reunite with her family."

Master crooked his forehead and looked at me intently. "Are you saying that there might be chances that River is related to your ex-boyfriend's mother?"

Uh-oh… I can sense bigger trouble. Master is okay being with Red and Art as my boss, and co-worker at the hospital but I believe that since he is overprotective of River as his sister, I don't know what will happen when we made sure that River is related to the Wilton brothers.

"That is why we have to confirm, right?" I replied hesitantly since he sound annoyed.

He suddenly grins at me and I sense that he's thinking about something that will make Ikon's life a mess.