Chapter 16

"I thank you for accepting me in your life…" he said then smiled sweetly at me. "I promise the Lord that if He will grant my prayer, I will take care of you with Him teaching me. I made a promise to your ex-boyfriend that I will not hurt you or else I will suffer a loss of… you know." He said then looks down and people laughs around us." I made a promise to your friends to make you happy or else they will make me suffer for keeping you out of reach." He said as he pouted. "I promised to your sisters that you will not do everything on your own, they didn't say any condition at all but their glare is enough to warn me, right?" he said and again people laughed. "I promised your parents that I will love you and you alone. They didn't say anything but they look at your sisters when I made the promise so I knew what to do," he said and smiled at my parents. "Now, I am making an oath to you and the Lord that these people around us will be a witness. Oaths that if I didn't abide, the law in heavens will give me the punishment I deserve and the law here will make me suffer. I promise you that if I didn't abide by all the promises I made, you can do whatever you want." He said full of seriousness."I love you and will always do." I just smiled at him.

It's my turn to say my vows. 'I don't have a piece of paper that I prepared for this day." I said. "Thank you for the effort that you have done for making promises to the people around me who are dear to me," I said then looked at everyone when I turn to him again his tears are falling. "Oh…" I said then wipe his tears. "We've been friends for years and we know each other too well. Your efforts never go in vain. You never fail to make me happy, never fail to make me smile and those are the things that I am forever grateful for." I said. "I promised any of neither your family members nor your friends that I will make your life easy being with me, with us," I said then looked at the twins. "I can't make you happy always like you always do. I can't say that I will follow up at all times but one thing is for sure, I will always choose to stay by your side and will make things difficult for you because you spoiled me enough that I am a brat now." I said then people laugh. He just looks at me with love in his eyes and smiles at me sweetly as if he is saying that it'll be okay, that he can handle me being a spoiled brat and all. "This will be the first time I'm going to say it to you, so you better listen," I said then he nods. "On this day onwards, I will be in your care. This day I surrendered my heart and remember that I chose to love you from this moment on." I said then leans on him and whispered the words he was waiting to hear the most.

He covered his mouth and looked at me in disbelief. His eyes are sparkles from the tears he is trying to hold. He kept on looking at me from the moment I whispered those words to him. He can't even concentrate on what our officiant tells him to do. He is distracted at that moment and all I could do was observe him. I can't blame him for being distracted because those are the words he is longing to hear.

"You may now kiss the bride." Said the officiant of our wedding.

He smiles at me as he lifts the veil I have, I can feel how nervous he is. He slowly leans on me to get closer to my face. He was an inch away from my lips as we create our world.

"Stop this wedding!" yelled someone from the door.

He turns to look who is the person who interrupts him from kissing me. That look on his face was too obvious that he is annoyed. I then look as well to see who that person is. It was his ex-girlfriend, Marvelous.

"Can you stop making a scene?" said the other who followed her and now pulled her out. "Masty, I am sorry for this trouble." He said as he is trying to pull her away.

Master shook his head in disbelief and sighed as he is trying to calm his nerves. I held his hand to pacify him but it seem like it was not working which is why I thought of something that will make him look at me. "Kiss me now while everyone is busy with the commotion," I whisper.

That didn't fail me, he turns to look at me with a surprised look in his eyes. I just smiled at him. "Can I have a long kiss?" he asks while grinning. I just nod and let him kiss me while Marvelous is creating a scene in which our visitors didn't have much time to witness our passionate kisses. Master still wants to kiss me but I didn't allow him anymore and suggest to watch the scene in the aisle.

"Glyph, you're too weak for a woman?" River said. "If I were a man, I would have just lifted her on my shoulder and gotten out of here."

The moment River said that Glyph carries Marvelous and put her on his shoulder. "I will send you my compensation and wedding gift at the same time to your address. I apologize for the mess my wife has made." He said then ran out while Marvelous struggled, shouting and cursing.

The momentum resumes. "You can now finally kiss your bride." our officiant said.

I want to laugh but I hold it in. This man in front of me can have an award for being the best actor. He looks at me like how he looked at me before. He kissed me which is shorter than a smack. Our friend chants one more but he just smiled at them.

After the wedding reception, I am tired enough that I just want to sleep all day long. Mr. Meander, Master's dad gave us a trip to the British Virgin Islands for a month. Although we told him before that, we want to bring the twins since I am still feeding them, he and his wife insist on us being there. At first, the plan was just for the two of us, Master and I stay there for a month but we were able to persuade his parents to have the twins with us. What else could we do for that long period of our honeymoon? We can't do what normal newlyweds do since I just got my stitches again recently.

"Are you okay?" he asks while we are traveling to the hotel where he booked for us to stay. I just nod since I am too tired to reply then lean on him.

"I think she's tired," Wise said. Master can't drive yet since he is still under observation as to how his doctor told him.

"She must be," Master replied. "You can sleep, I'll just carry you to our room," he said then kissed my forehead.

"You know that I can't do that. You have to wake me up when I fell asleep." I replied.

"It's fine. I have done that before, isn't it? That's not a big deal anymore." he said. "We still have a few days before our flight to that island." He said.

"Wisdom will fetch you using the helicopter that is why we chose that hotel since it has a helipad," Wise said.

I wasn't able to argue with these men around me. they are full of surprises that I can't cope with. I had no choice but to surrender because Wisdom will not stop until I agree so why do I have to waste our time arguing if I'll agree in the end, right?

"By the way, you don't have to worry about the twins," Wise said. "They will stay with us whenever your sisters will have an important appointment," Wise said.

I think I fell asleep but I can't open my eyes from the tiredness I feel. I can hear Master and Wise talking but it's not clear to me what they are talking about. I felt that I'm being carried, even heard some doors being closed.

"I don't know what to say, Rackie. You have too many surprises earlier that I can't help but get excited." Master said then I felt the soft bed welcome me. I slightly crooked my forehead when I felt there is someone in front of me as I lie down on the bed. I felt Master kisses my forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, jaw, down to my neck. He sighs. "Sorry, I just couldn't help it." He said then lying down beside me and hugging me as he kisses my head countless times. "Master Majesty Meander, behave. You have to wait until your wife is ready. No more thinking of those things, you have to behave." He said as if he is chanting a spell.