Special Chapter 9: River Decorum

It's miracle to see Lou visit Lily and me. We usually come to knock on his unit just to make him feel that we are still around. Looking at him right now while playing with Lily with the toys that he gave my daughter, it seems he is finally okay.

"What brings you here?" I ask.

He looks up and frowns. "It seems like I am not welcome here," he replied. "I can't go to my unit, I don't like to stay in my parent's house, and I am also done with babysitting my nephews and niece. Their energy is too much for me unlike Lily here who is behaving." He said then caresses my daughter's head.

"Why not stay in your unit?"

He groans. "Rackie has my unit key, she also changed my passcode which I can't decode." He said. "I can't even contact her right now, I guess she is serious about me not stepping inside my unit for a month as a punishment."

"Whoa! New girlfriend?"