Special Chapter 11: Radiance Decorum Wilton

When I found out that Rackie gave birth, I didn't imagine that I will be this broken. I immediately went to her room where Art told me she is resting. I hesitantly open the door, hoping and praying that what I heard from Art isn't true. When I went in, I saw her lying on the hospital bed, she was sleeping, I look around and see the nurses inside taking care of two babies. I don't know why but I felt that I have to see for myself.

I can't believe what my eyes are seeing, Rackie has precious babies wherein I can see that she has faint similarities to her features. I can say that these babies right in front of me were hers and the father isn't me. I immediately leave the room and go straight to my office, I sat down and tried to calm myself however the next thing I realized, I am crying.