Special Chapter 13: Wisdom Go

Sigh! I don't know how did Rackie get into this huge mess however this is not the right time to ask her and we know that. although mom and dad gave her a small space in the Go Residence, some of the Go clan doesn't approve of it. My brothers and I were all surprised when the Go clan told us to let her stay in the Go Residence.

"Are you sure the elders approve this?" Wise asks Whiz.

Whiz sighs because we asked the same question. "Yes, besides, the head of the Go clan is my brother, Prudence, so even if the elders disapprove, they will just keep it quiet."

Sapience and Wit sigh. "Prudence is scary." Wit commented.

"Our brother is scarier than Prudence," Wise said.

Whiz and Sapience laugh. "Well, our brother told us that even though Rackie isn't blood-related, she is part of the family." Sapience said. "Prudence also persuades the elders, especially our grandfather who doesn't like just even the presence of Rackie."