Special Chapter 23: Windy Casper

Oh, finally! Glimmer and my brother who became a stone after their breakup came back to life. So, he's not that even able to intervene in my life. I cannot come to the hospital as frequently as I can before since I have a lot of work to do. I am doing online work and also doing my business here in our country. as of now, I can't hire people since I have to establish what I have right now, when everything is doing good then I guess that will be the time that I can hire people. For now, I only have one person by my side, however, I can't still fully trust this person because of her tardiness.

"Welcome!" I said when I heard the ring from the door that just got opened.

"Oh, hi!" said a man with a perfect set of teeth as he smile.

"What can I do for you?" I smiled back.

"I am actually in need of a suit that is in my size, a customize one." He replied.

"Do you have anything in mind what kind of style do you like?"