3.love and nightmare.

after our meeting over and I feel that's an long day after sending the client to their hotel and I ask Alison for dinner ,he said ok to Stella after they went to change her dress ,she was happy to see him in the lobby..

let's go mam, what are you doing Alison ,no mam you will eat the dinner in fancy restaurant but I want to eat street food because I have heard the street foods are very delicious and tasty in nature...

why can't I eat the food because I love the food and am starving too..when I reach the place I feel like smell is awful but when I saw Alison he is cutting the mean and steamed the fire pot to fry the meat with garlic paste and oil which he was making like an experienced person after he prepared he gave to me..when I started to eat I can't express in words until am full we have ate the dinner with beer ..

I feel like am full and I was drunk too but Alison is not drunken because he said that he is protecting me and make my journey safe..when I heard his voice by saying I went near to him and said do you love me??

Alison I want to saw something that drink alcohol person will like a baby and they will say only truth?? because I want to kiss you Alison and I love you in my college days after you had a accident I was worried after years passed I never thought to meet u

when we met , you are working in my office as my personal secretary,do you why I always choose this Malaysia ??

Alison do you hear me? replied yes!!!.

because me my mom and I lived her for few years after she died I came to my dad ,I was living my life as he wishes ...I don't know what to do but I want to fly in air and touch the star ...

Alison don't say anything to my father that I drunk and talked like a crazy promise as pink promise!!!after Stella slept...

Alison mind voice:: what troublesome kid...

Alison took Stella in his back and he took her to her hotel room and made her sleep peacefully when he turn back he saw Stella mother which he saw that picture in his mother suitcase when he was in child hood ..after seeing that picture he unable control his fear because he was actually having head trauma and he webt near to the pictures and saw there is strange what is the relationship of this woman with my mother ,and who is she is she is Stella mother..

how could is possible ,oh shit how strange all this I got to know from my father that someone killed my mother because of mom property and her wealth..so ,my dad took away from my mom and we lived a peaceful life after dad fall in sickness I want to work hard ..

is this woman cause all the troubles for me that I should work harder to reach my family and save money for father treatment which I have spent all my life time because is anything related to Stella family..

I think my blossom symbol is signing uncontrollable and it make me to come out of my mind and it's controlling me..that I need to come out from this strange feeling ..

after I came outfrom the room and I sat under the table in my room ...I called my father and ask him that dad? is mom died or someone killed her?

hey Alison ,are you okay!!!dad clarify my doubt::; Alison listen to your dad it's doubt till now house your mom died is mystery for everyone ,. because someone create roamers about her dead but I have a doubt in mrs.anderson because she is your mom best friend after her died she doesn't even show any signs to ask about her funeral and not even attend her funeral ceremony too..

I was rushing to save and we moved away from the town so we don't want to involve the issue and please stay away from the issue .please stop your self from investigate further this issue..but dad?? Alison be a good son..and I don't want to lose you for any sake..

dad ,is mom doesn't have peaceful dead after she tomb . this is the first time am going against your word dad.am sorry ,I think mom is saying something in my dreams and I have to find the issue in her dead..I will find the issue..

after what the images which flow in my mind..I have remember that I have seen a school , bracelet and hair clip which are I have seen and I saw a medicine..

after I draw every thing in mind ..I saw a image but there is no connection in each image which I have seen here.. I should ask about Stella and her mother private life which I need to investigate further and find the case dead of my mother..

after he went to sleep ,while sleeping he found there is strange in his dreams that his mom is coming to him and saying that save me son, your mom is not killed and some is making me under arrest please save me.. I was distracted and also I saw a landmark of angel statue near a lake which was written in the place called black valley which is presented in road Mark..and I saw person name as rhythm in car number plate which was written..

when I wake up suddenly I saw my face it's all wet and Stella was seeing me..and she wakes me up and said shall we go for a trip near by location and I have arranged a bike let's go and get ready we will go

we went to near by forest side we were trekking and I got to know that Alison scare of height so I took him to wood house and ask him to choose truth or dare..

Alison was shocked and said what's the funny questions you're making me to choose like a kid that I am not prepared for this..

haha. stop it Alison better behave like mature adult man yeah!! and please choose what I said yeah and claim the wood house and come to top where I can show you a nature world where you can see the real beauty except the city , Mobile etc...

after seeing his behaviour Stella was started to laugh and pulled him to come upstairs and he shocked when bend down to see the surface..just saw to that you wanna chose dare or truth..I choose truth..hey idiot Alison choose dare..ok dare Stella please stop this game and I have height sickness dude please stop this fun Stella ..

Alison look at me..Stella am scared and....!!!!

hey Alison relax if you don't want ok,let's just withdraw it..no Stella I have to do this for my fear shake and when try to jump I said to person who is incharge of the rope I said him to push me...

after I said I went to edge of the point and I said to myself said mom please bless me and help me come out from the fear.. I was happy that iam going face myself with proud and compete my self by my strength..

after I jumped from the point ,I saw the world without fear and I shouted like a kid and said I did it Stella..wow!!!I did it..and am strongly enough to fight against them and after getting down from the rope I went to search Stella and ran to her and hugged her with smile and said I did it buddy ..Stella yes !!!you came out of your height sickness and you did it man... do you know one important this for me to bought you here because you mom favourite place is this!!!

on her dead anniversary ,I thought to bring you here!!!