swiss wrote a letter to Alison that she is going away from his life ...after an years passed ,he saw swiss in street while he is traveling to X city ,in Japan..,he saw swiss in different stage who is caring a baby in her hand and Alison saw her that she is entering the Bze company (entertainment). it's belong to Alison ..after seeing her entering to his company ,he ask his secretary to investigate about the lady who is working in our office by holding her baby..
after an hour passed , Alison got the information what he needs and he found that swiss again and she is working as executive producer in his channel and she is also working as writer and single mother,father name of the baby unknown and baby is boy...
after reading his residence and Alison was thinking after they did that things in bed, Alison got to remember that he didn't use any protection and if the baby is mine ?or not I think the answer should known to swiss I should talk to her...
after hours passed , Alison finally decided to make a call to swiss and swiss pick up the call after hearing Alison voice she got to remember everything which happens between them and he throws the cheque to her . Everything which flows in her mind , suddenly she hang up the call and she blocks his number..after she did , Alison confirm that swiss is holding my baby I should go and talk to her..
Alison call his secretary to go to Bze entertainment now...his secretary arrange the facilities for him after he went to the office ,he saw swiss is feeding the baby in resting area which is offer for the workers..Alison search her every where and finally he went to the room that's for workers ...Alison saw swiss is feeding the baby and baby boy is drinking the milk ..
when swiss turned and she thought that's her friend Alice..Alice can you give me the cloth to wipe baby mouth and some water too here you needs.
when swiss hear male voice in resting area..she walk few steps back and saw Alison please don't take my son away from he is mine... Alison was shocked by her behaviour and he questioned her??
is he is my son ??swiss was silent and she didn't even try to say anything..Alison confirm her silence as yes!!!...are you mad ...??? i think you're a crazy...
why don't you come to me and saw that you were pregnant and where have you been these months ,how could you manage to take care of the baby alone..??? swiss got fear and she said Alison please stop right I am sorry to say this is your son but I don't want to give him to you because he is my son and I gave birth to him...I can spend all my life to protect him and give him affordable life..please don't try to enter in between us...
Alison hears her voice and he was standing like a please allow him hold the baby (mind voice) brain ,if he hold the baby he may dumb you and take the along with him what will you do??..
Alison came near to swiss and he saw swiss eyes and without notifying he kissed her and said welcome back to me...from today onwards we three are gonna stay together because we are family...
Alison stop playing Chicky am not your Stella and you are not allowed to my house because am not tissue paper for satisfies you..if you any other women like that am not that type of women who would do something shameless!!!!
Alison please stay in your limit and do try to control listen ,I have searched you when you gave the letter to me after I saw the Letter I feel ashame of myself and I thought to marry you but you're missing...let me explain you clearly ??
Alison please stay there say??are blushing swiss

no am not blushing please stay there...
we are family from now onwards you're going to stay in our house like family together and together..if you don't want me to sleep in bed I can sleep in cough and I won't tough ,just for only kiss and I won't disturb ,if you don't trust me we can make the agreement for this
issue which baby is the judge..
what are spit like kid??
swiss listen just write name which I have to stay with u or not ...just make a roll and the baby will pick one .that's the wish for baby...
swiss mindvoice ,baby please say him no... but. baby pick up ,he will stay with was scare and said him to fulfill his promise which he made just took the baby and went to her table and she is working again .. Alison went to his cabin and seeing the baby who is sleeping in baby stroller ...and he saw swiss and he was feeling happy that he has son again and he was seeing Stella and Dewar pictures and said you guys back to me ,now I won't allow anyone to hurt you ,,I will protect you guys well and I will make your life happy and enjoying with love..