Test subject

How did I get caught?

Well, I don't care! I have to get out of here!

"I am so done. I am so done"

"Will you please stop whining and let me think what to do?"

I was shocked that this person was so aggressive a few minutes ago and now a whining to live?

And then I noticed them coming near the laboratory.

I took out Scrome LTE J10 F1 from the bunker to shoot the robots.

"Don't kill them! I need them —-"

"Alive? Before that I should kill you!"

"I research on androids and robots and now lizards!"

Then I lowered ​​the telescopic gun and waited for the robots to reach the laboratory.

Then I saw the robots changing their direction! Are they suicidal robots?

Suicidal robots are robots which weren't atomatic and they could be controlled by other robots!

I took out the 4x telescope from the gun and looked at the robots, they really were suicidal robots!

But I saw guns in their hands too! What kind of robots are these?

And more importantly it was infected by the lizards I guess?

Cause I don't know if there is another party over here or not , I really don't know!

But more importantly how did he get my body? And then I took my semi automatic pistol out of my pocket and pointed at the man!

"How did you find me and how did you bring me here without getting noticed? Are you one of them?" I turned aggressive.

"I saw your body and many more people outside as if you guys were dead! But I saw you moving a bit and i quickly brought you here and they saw me and were following me —-"

"Get to the point! Why me?"

"Because I need a test subject to turn him into an android and there are no humans alive except you!"

"And aren't you a human? Are you or are you not?"

"It has to be controlled by two people! One the converter and another in the chamber!"

I didn't believe him.

Then I looked at the robots and they were nearly there!

"Please, keep them alive!"

I guess I also want to research these new robots and hack through the main frame and get the location of the robot which was controlling and hack it!

And they were here! The robots put a DM51 on the door and turned back!

The bomb was ticking!

"You don't have to worry! This laboratory is made up of a hardened wall!"

"So? What do we do now? How do we get them?"

"I don't know! Let them continue what they are doing! I have to note down their actions!"

I was shocked by their reactions! Putting a bomb on the door! Shooting the door down! And hitting straight into the door! Which was of no use! When did robots turn into this?

"Nevermind, i am going to knock them down"

"But if you are unsuccessful?"

I didn't listen to him! I got down off the roof (as we were hiding and watching their movements there) and I knocked the robots down and it was my first try!"

And then the door opened.

The man and I took the robots to the laboratory.

Many days passed and I learnt a lot about robots!

I even learned how to turn into an android but was it worth it? To turn into an android? What if I also get corrupt?

It didn't matter! I am the one who started all this mess!

And to resolve this i had to kill the alien king and destroy the sauser as i got a high frequency which was way ahead from human kind and it was coming from space!

I also had the plan of turning into an android!

But that was the problem! I need parts of a high tech robot and I know only one high tech robot!

That was —--