Spending a Billion Yuan as a Betrothal Gift!

"Qin Bei, Grandma and the rest have left. Let's go."

Taking advantage of this time, Su Qingying came to Qin Bei's side, wanting to leave this chaotic place as soon as possible.

"Duke Qin… hmph…"

Qin Bei sneered as a figure gradually appeared in his mind.

Ever since his memory was restored, there were more and more memories of the past in his mind.

Duke Qin was the culprit who forced him to escape from Qingzhou six years ago!

If one were to say that Qin Bei had returned with someone he had to kill, Duke Qin was one of them!

At the same time, at the entrance of the Su family mansion, Duke Qin had yet to arrive. But the group of Su family members were already waiting at the entrance eagerly!

"Hey, tell me, why would a big shot like Duke Qin suddenly come to our Su family?" Someone in the crowd whispered to each other.

"Who knows? Could it be that Duke Qin has taken a fancy to a girl from our Su family?"

Su Jingyu looked around. A proud expression appeared on her face.

"A bunch of trash, how could Duke Qin fall for them? In my opinion, Duke Qin must have fallen for me!"

Su Jingyu was extremely pleased in her heart. In the entire Su family, Su Qingying, who was the only one who had the ability to compete with her, had long been defeated. Who else in the entire Su family could compete with her?

"You can forget about it. I heard that this Duke Qin is an old man in his seventies or eighties. Are you sure?" Su Jingtong had run over at some point.

"So what if he's seventy or eighty? I'd be more than happy if he were a hundred years old."

"Impressive, impressive. But Jingyu, aren't you going to marry Zhao Cheng? Why are you interested in Duke Qin?"

"Zhao Cheng? Him? He's nothing more than a second-generation heir. If it wasn't for the fact that he carries the golden title of the Zhao Family's young master on his back, this young miss wouldn't even bother to be with him. Besides, if I can really win over Duke Qin's favor, what is a mere Zhao Family?" Su Jingyu curled her lips into a grin and sneered.


Su Jingtong was speechless. This woman was really fickle.

Not long after, a middle-aged man in his fifties or sixties appeared at the entrance of the Su Residence. He had a steady aura and seemed to be extremely mysterious.

"He is the legendary Duke Qin?"

Everyone was puzzled, but no one dared to ask.

"Who's in charge among you?"

The middle-aged man came to the Su family's gate and asked directly.

"I am the person in charge of the Su family. Are you Duke Qin?"

Matriarch Su was no longer as arrogant as she was in front of Su Qingying. She was extremely humble.


Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man sneered.

"A tiny Su family is worthy of Duke Qin's personal visit? All of you really do not know the immensity of the heavens and earth. I'm Duke Qin's butler. Duke Qin calls me Qin Wu. I'm here on Duke Qin's orders to congratulate you on Matriarch Su's birthday. There's one more thing, you should know about it right, Matriarch Su?"

"I know! I know! So it's Mister Wu! I was wondering why there were magpies chirping early in the morning. As expected, Mister Wu's visit brings light to our Su Family! Mister Wu, please come in!"

Even though they had been despised by Qin Wu and he had come empty-handed to send his birthday greetings, the Su family didn't show any signs of dissatisfaction. Instead, they believed that it was a sign of supreme glory.

Surrounded by the Su family, Qin Wu swaggered into the Su family. Without standing on ceremony, he immediately sat at Matriarch Su's seat of honor.

When they saw this scene, the members of the Su Clan didn't dare have any objections, and they carefully waited on the side.

"Mister Wu, I wonder if Duke Qin has any other instructions for sending you here? Or does my Su family have anything that can help Duke Qin? Don't worry, as long as you ask, my Su family will complete Duke Qin's orders even if we have to sacrifice our lives!"

"It's not a big deal. The main reason why Duke Qin sent me here is because of that matter. Also, in three days, it will be Duke Qin's 90th birthday. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood! Understood!"

On the surface, everyone in the Su Family was smiling and flattering him, but in their hearts, they were spitting saliva.

Damn it! He said that he was here to celebrate Matriach Su's birthday! In the end, he still wanted to use that as an excuse to take advantage of them!

Come to think of it, why would a figure like Duke Qin care about a small Su Family?

"Alright, time to get down to business."

Qin Wu paused and suddenly spoke.

"Mister Wu, please speak!" Su Guohao hurriedly responded.


Qin Wu took out a bank card from his pocket and slammed it on the table.

"Mister Wu, what do you mean?" Su Guohao was puzzled.

"There's a total of 188 million in this card. It's a betrothal gift from Duke Qin to your Su family."

Qin Wu spoke slowly, but it really frightened everyone in the Su family!


188 million!

Betrothal gift!

Who did Duke Qin take a fancy to in the Su family?

Matriarch Su was so shocked that she nearly failed to catch her breath and nearly fainted!

188 million! If any female member of the Su family received this betrothal gift, they would soar to the skies!

"Duke Qin must have taken a fancy to me, right? After all, I'm naturally beautiful…"

"Bullsh*t! How can an old man like Duke Qin like a wild pheasant like you? Duke Qin clearly likes me! This betrothal gift is mine!"

"Who are you calling a wild pheasant? Do you believe that I'll tear your mouth apart?"

The female members of the Su family almost started fighting on the spot. As long as they could enter the rich and powerful family of Duke Qin, what did it matter if they fell out?

"All of you shut up! This betrothal gift is mine!"

Right at this moment of chaos, Su Jingyu suddenly stood up and spoke confidently.

"Look at all of you! How dare you compete with me, Su Jingyu, for the betrothal gift of the Duke Qin? Do you think you are worthy?"

Su Qingyu said arrogantly.

She believed honestly that in the entire Su family, only Su Qingying was qualified to compete with her. However, Su Qingying had become a broken shoe. How could she compare to her?

Su Jingyu was very confident that Duke Qin's betrothal gift was definitely for her!