The General's Fury After His Home Was Destroyed!

It was a misty night, and there were a few rays of light in the eastern sky. The first rays of the morning sun were faintly discernible like shy girls.

After taking care of Duke Qin, Qin Bei and Su Qingying returned home. To their surprise, they found that the door of their house had been smashed open. Currently, there were occasional shouts and curses coming from inside the house.

"Oh no! Our son!"

Su Qingying's expression changed drastically. She hurriedly ran into the house and saw two or three burly men in the living room smashing things!

"Stop! Who are you? If you don't stop, I'm going to call the police!" Su Qingying shouted angrily.


Hearing Su Qingying's voice, Little Qin Pan hurriedly ran out of the room.

"You're Su Qingying, right?"

One of the bald men looked at Su Qingying and sneered.

"That's right, it's me. Who are you?"