Su qingying's class reunion (1)

"Yes, I am. May I know who you are?"

Su qingying looked at the woman in front of her, but she couldn't recognize her at first.

"Su qingying, it's really you! I'm Zhou Wen, don't you remember? We used to climb mountains together!" The woman said excitedly.

"Zhou Wen? It's you?"

Su qingying also remembered, and her face was full of surprise.

yes, you finally remembered. Come and sit, we're just missing you. Zhou Wen pulled su qingying to a seat excitedly.

qingying, we haven't seen each other since we graduated. How have you been all these years? " As soon as she sat down, Zhou Wen began to chat about the past.

me? I'm alright. But you, look at the clothes you're wearing now. You must be living quite well, right? " Su qingying said with a smile.