The commander is a cursed Lone Star?

Qin bei's every word was filled with hatred for Shangguan ding.

At this moment, the thousands of guests finally understood why Qin bei hated the Shangguan family so much!

I always thought that this Shangguan ding was a big Shot. I didn't expect him to be such a villain!

"We are ashamed to be associated with such a vile person!"

"So this is the true face of the Shangguan family! I'll spit!"

The guests all sneered at Shangguan ding.

"Qinbei! Don't kill me! I ... I have another secret to tell you!

"A despicable person like you is not worthy to be my friend! Go to hell!" Qin bei's eyes were cold as he raised the saber in his hand.

"Qinbei! Don't kill me! I ... I have another secret to tell you! This is definitely worth my life!"

Suddenly, Shangguan ding shouted and stopped Qin bei's knife.

"What secret?"

"You ... As long as you spare my life, I ... I'll tell you, this secret is of great importance to you!" Shangguan ding said quickly.