A billion-dollar investment, a mistake

"It sounds like second great-grandfather, they're about to reach the SU family's front door!" Su Tian quickly said.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! The SU family, quickly come with me to welcome them!"

Second great-grandfather's heart skipped a beat. He quickly led everyone to the village entrance!

When he arrived at the village entrance, as expected, he saw the village chief leading a group of Patrol Division staff towards him. The leader was a middle-aged man wearing glasses. He was the Lianjiang County Patrol Division Secretary, Cao tianliang.

At this time, Cao tianliang also saw the SU family coming out. He quickly walked over, held second great-grandfather's hand, and said enthusiastically, ""You must be the SU family's old patriarch?"

"I ... I am, this old man is the current patriarch of the SU family. You must be the patrol division's Secretary Cao of our Lianjiang County, right?"