A moonless and windy killing night (1)

With Xin tu's surrender, the White Phoenix ginseng also fell into Qin bei's hands.

that's strange. The Qin family is the head of the eight big families in shangjing. Why did they give up bidding so easily? " Someone asked in confusion.

"Are you stupid? the White Phoenix ginseng is already at 10 billion, and someone still dares to lower the price. This is no longer a matter of the price, but a slap to the Qin family's face! Just you wait and see, the people of heavens No. 1 are in trouble, they dared to slap the Qin family's face!"

"So that's how it is. That brat is finished!"

The White Phoenix ginseng had a new owner, but all the major forces were getting restless.

It was obvious that a storm of blood would be brewing in the North Region tonight!

At this moment, in the heaven No. 1 private room, Lei Xiong was having a headache.