The nine kingdoms military exercise, a shocking conspiracy


Gu Xiaofeng and Nangong Ming nodded and immediately ordered their men to move.

An Army of 300000 was deployed at the border!

Even if the wolf Kingdom had any ulterior motives, they would have to consider the consequences of their actions!

"Okay, I will also order my Eastern Region fleet to go south to the wolf Kingdom's waters and exert pressure on them!"

There were two large armies outside the borders of the kingdom of wolfmen, eyeing them covetously. Even if the kingdom of wolfmen wanted to harm qinbei, they would have to consider the consequences!

At the same time, Qin bei took a plane to the wolf Kingdom.

"General Qin, you'll be arriving at the capital of the wolf Kingdom soon. The general of the northern border of the wolf Kingdom is already waiting for you," Ruan Fu said directly on the plane.

"Change course, I need to see my people first." Qin bei said directly.