To save Qing Ying, the top ten Chinese physicians need to work together (1)

"Senior gongye, could it be that we really don't stand a chance at all?"

I'm sorry! Xu tiance still didn't give up. you saved the severely injured Nangong Zhan King.

alas, battle King tiance, battle King Nangong's situation is different. He's seriously injured, and the White Phoenix ginseng can easily save him. However, there's no cure for the poison of thousands of insects and ten thousand gu.

Gongye yang stroked his beard and lamented his powerlessness in his heart.

"Only ..."

"Only? Senior gongye? Only what? Do you have any other way?"

Suddenly, gongye Yang's eyes brightened but quickly dimmed again. He mumbled, " this is simply impossible ...

"Only? Senior gongye? Only what? Do you have any other way?" Xu tiance noticed gongye Yang's unusual behavior and his eyes lit up!

"What? Please speak! As long as there was a chance! I want to try it too!"