The Holy maiden Miao xiaoman (1)

This building was extremely strange. After all, who would live here in such a deep mountain?

Moreover, there was a string of skulls hanging on each roof. Just looking at that scene would make one shudder!

"It should be here. Tiance, let's go and take a look."

"Alright, big brother." Xu tiance nodded and was about to get up.

"Wait! Don't move!"

Suddenly, Miao San grabbed Qin bei and Xu tiance, his face full of Panic!

"What's wrong?"

Qin bei frowned when he saw Miao san's strange expression.

Miao city, don't you think this place looks like what the old chief once mentioned ... Cold sweat appeared on Miao san's forehead!

"Alright ... It seems to be true, so this place really exists ..." Miao Cheng's face turned pale.

"What are you two talking about? What place? Speak clearly." Xu tiance said impatiently.

Wasn't it just a few skulls? did these two people have to be so scared?