Uncle and nephew finally meet (1)

"Big brother, according to the investigation of the brothers we sent out, the fifth Lord Qin is now living in seclusion in qiongzhou. Look."

Xu tiance handed Qin bei a picture. A middle-aged man with a hunched back was pushing a tricycle and peddling candied Haws along the street.

"Fifth uncle!"

Qin bei's eyes froze. Although the photo was a little blurry, he could still recognize the middle-aged man at a glance. He was his fifth uncle, Qin Qi!

"Fifth uncle, xiaobei is unfilial!" Qin bei's eyes were filled with tears!

Back then, Qin Qi was the war Emperor of the Qin family. Who in shangjing dared to disrespect him?

However, because of him, his fifth uncle could only live in seclusion in a corner of the southern mountain range! Living a life of not seeing the light of day for the rest of his life!

"Tian ce! Prepare the plane, I want to go to qiongzhou immediately!"

Qin bei could not bear to see Qin Qi suffer another moment!