! search and capture throughout the entire city

Qin bei stepped into the meeting room.

"I've gathered all of you here today. I'm sure you already know the purpose of this trip, right?"

Qin bei's sharp eyes swept across the crowd, his gaze extremely solemn!

"I know! She didn't expect that there would be such a bold person in this world.

These people knew that if they wanted to thrive in the southern region, it was necessary to have a good relationship with Qin bei. Only under Qin bei's protection could their survival be stable and they could grow big!

alright, since everyone already knows the purpose of your visit, then I won't waste any more words. Whoever can catch the person who kidnapped my son will be rewarded with ten million Yuan. Those who can catch him alive will be rewarded tenfold! Qin bei said coldly.

The people in front of him were all-powerful and knew everything. Perhaps only they could get twice the result with half the effort!

no problem.

"We'll be going first!"