Then cloud dew (1)

general Qin, your son was taken away by a very powerful guy. He killed all of us. I was the only one who escaped with a gun. The knife-scarred man muttered.

Qin bei, Gu Xiaofeng, and the others looked at each other after hearing what the knife-scarred man said.

As expected, there was someone else behind this!

Qingzhou is now under martial law. That person shouldn't have gone too far. Xiao Feng, immediately send out my personal guards. With the place where we found this guy as the center, start a 10-kilometer search! he said.

Qin bei believed that since the other party had arranged for the location to be here, their real hiding place should not be too far away!

"Alright, big brother."

Gu Xiaofeng nodded and immediately turned to leave.

Not long after, Gu Xiaofeng found some clues and quickly returned to the hospital.

"Xiao Feng, how is it? What did you find out?" Qin bei asked.