The Yi family in shangjing (1)

"Little hope!"

As soon as they got home, su qingying saw Qin bei carrying her son back. She immediately threw herself at them and hugged them tightly.

hope, you're going to make your mother worry to death!

Su qingying hugged Qin Pan's head tightly and kissed him. She was extremely excited.

don't worry, qingying. Everything's fine now.

Qin bei smiled as he threw the Dragon abyss towards Gu Xiaofeng.

"Xiao Feng, I'll give this Dragon abyss to you."

"Really? My brother?"

Gu Xiaofeng's face was full of excitement as he held the longyuan in his hand!

Qin pan was finally saved, and everyone's hearts that had been hanging in the air finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"General, there's someone outside looking for you,"

At this moment, a guard came and found Qin bei.

"You're looking for me? Who's looking for me?"

he claims to be from the Yi family in shangjing. He has important things to tell you. The guard said.

"The Yi family?"