Killing the enemy in one move _1

"Grandpa! He was a big Bad guy! He wants to harm us! Tan-er is not afraid!"

"Grandpa! He was a big Bad guy! He wants to harm us! Tan-er is not afraid!" Yi tan 'er said word by word.

"The little girl's courage is commendable, but it's useless!"

A cruel smile flashed across Qin Bao's face. He clenched his fist and punched at Yi tan 'er!

"Tan 'er!"

The Yi family's people's expressions changed drastically when they saw this. Some of the more timid ones had already closed their eyes subconsciously!

Everyone was well aware that the six-year-old Yi tan 'er would die without a doubt under Qin Bao's fist!

"Qin Bao! You better stop!"

At that moment, Yi Guowei's eyes almost popped out of their sockets. He wanted to force Qin Bao to back off, but he was sent flying by Qin Bao's punch!

Yi tan 'er was about to die under Qin Bao's fist!

"Tan 'er! Don't!"

Yi tan 'er's mother was so scared that she fainted!