Third young master NA's assassination, the general is not injured?

In the base, a huge battle broke out!

The Condor hero couple's attacks were peerless. Xiao longnu alone had pinned down the four great elders of the Guo family, who were also eighth rank battle Venerables!

And Yang Guo's strength was even more powerful. A battle venerable wouldn't be able to get past him easily!

The remaining combat emperors joined the battle. Thirty thousand guards swarmed forward. Although they were strong, they were all prepared to die. With hundreds of them fighting one man, they should be able to delay him for a while!

For a time, the battle was in a stalemate!

Behind them, Qin bei was still recuperating in his room.

At this moment, a few figures suddenly flashed past the door, followed by a knock.

"Who is it?"

Hearing the knock on the door, Qin bei immediately opened his eyes and looked at the door with his sharp eyes.